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Posts posted by kweber1911

  1. one of my father in laws co-workers has that same stuff in his truck...he was out drinking one night, didnt have too much to drink, swerved to miss a deer. He hit a guard rail on the side of his truck, no airbags deployed, just some scratches and dents. The cops showed up in his driveway about 30 minutes later in response to a "car accident" from onstar....he got a DUI by just barely blowing over the limit.


    I know he shouldnt have been driving, and it could have been worse. just scary that they are out there......watching your every move...lol

  2. reading that thread this morning made my morning. I chuckled a little bit at work. I guess my ford probe with 118hp should be able to hit roughly 178 mph....just a guestamation though


    plus it should get like 118 mpg too instead of the 30 that it gets...


    I just laugh at people like that, there are a few around South Dakota here that brag like that.

  3. well...i would stick with dell or hp. they are both decent. as far as 1 gig of memory....i would throw at least 2 in there. with the 2 gigs of memory you will be able to run your programs better and faster. also if it is a vista computer, vista is slow with only 1gb of memory. just my .02

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