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Posts posted by kweber1911

  1. pretty sure noone on eastern south dakota is on this site. I see a few, but its always going the other way on the road. When i was thinking about getting an SSS, i just googled it and found this site. been hooked ever since.

  2. 23 year old student in South Dakota. still not sure what is going on when i graduate. I have no money as I just got engaged...not sure what i got myself into. Mods will come after next August when i get married.


    I will probably be an electronics engineer somewhere.....or construction...not sure.

  3. i dug myself into debt one time so i know what your going through. it was rough for about a year....just about lost everything. I am from rural South Dakota though where damn near everyone needs help on the farm....crappy work but it pays good. worked my ass off for that year, got out of debt and got to keep my stuff...I learned and you will too. everyone has to go through it some point. good luck man and i hope your next truck is just as good looking as this one. hang in there man



  4. I got my shift kit and everything just sitting in the back of my truck. the trans shop in town was going to put the shift kit in, but now they dont want to. I put in a new computer from wheatley that lowered the torque management to 10%. i thought it would be ok to drive it to the shop (less than a mile away) then it would be ready to go once he was done. Now i have to go to a shop that is 60+ miles away and Im not sure if it will be ok with the torque managemnt out for that long without the shift kit.


    thanks in advance and any help will be greatly appreciated.

  5. we call that game "bean bags" up here in south dakota. I didnt hear it called cornhole until i was on a work trip to cleveland. nice looking boards though. i like the idea with the velcro to hold them in there. I have a set of boards that I was looking to dress up with some vinyl...probably go for either budweiser or miller high life :thumbs:

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