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Posts posted by O2 WS6 TA

  1. nice vids and awesome pics!




    i live about 30 mins up the road from gatlinburg...you hit it at the right time if you wanted to see snow. that snow hung around for a long time. we usually dont get too much here and when we do it usually melts in a day or two. you had great luck at ober with the natural snow...usually its just a bunch of man-made snow that packs down and turns to ice. looks like you had a fun trip :thumbs:


    Def a good time. We go every year during Jan or Feb, and usually cause a heat wave. Skiing was spot on at Ober, as you said, usually it's an icy glaze. Really thick and powdery this year- They even had Grizzly and Mogul open.


    what did they say when they saw u were awd?? lol


    Meh, I didn't correct 'em, but I did educate one particularly large dumbass in a 4X4 Dodge when I left the gas station... Bet it's the first time he saw a 2WD spin the front tires. :lol:



    i want snow :( that just looks like too much fun, haha


    Again, good time on Vaca, but it would get old fast for the daily grind.

  2. Great vids, reminds me of my winter in 05 when I drove the SS in any snow storm. Now I keep it from all elements. The awd is a beast, I was going by 1/2-1 ton 4x4s, and 10 wheelers and all I can say is awd ftw in the snow. I am glad they did not drop sand, you wont have to worry so much about corrosion.


    It performed quite well, the only dicey part was when the converter wanted to grab in icy patches... I simply used that as an excuse to drift the next corner. :lol: The city actually put sand down on several of the main roads, but once we got towards the top of the mountain, you were on your own. NC, however, used a salt/sand mix... I washed the underside literally every day while we were there.

  3. :thumbs: . You gonna try and make it up there for the Rod Run in April?



    Doubtful, as we are deeply involved in the Fbodygathering in Atlanta in late May. Oddly enough, even when I was living in Atlanta, I never made even one Pigeon Forge Car event. :(


    i hate you lol just kidding that's home for me glad you enjoyed it wish i could be there haven't been home in 2 years


    thanks for sharing


    Haha, I hear ya. I absolutely love that place- If I didn't think I'd ruin my last remaining vacation spot, I might move there.

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