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Everything posted by zbishop80

  1. Killer...thats exactly what I wanted to hear
  2. You picked the words right from my brain Mr. P.
  3. Thanks for the input. I've been doing my homework on Bully's for a while so I am aware of there inherant health issues. If you're ever in the Chicago/Aurora area you and your pooch are more than welcome to run around in my 3/4 acre yard and enjoy some steaks and some beer!
  4. Wow, what an eye opening thread. I too have been on both sides of the fence. Growing up (and still) my father was/is a functioning alcoholic and gambleaholic. Every waking moment of his non working day is spent drinking and gambling. From a family members stand point I agree with the rest of the members of this site. Move on but dont alienate him. Part of the process of moving on is accepting the fact that your father is an alcoholic and has this disease. You can look to several programs for help. AA is one of those programs. AA will help you understand his disease and give you ways to deal with the stress and hardships he/it causes. As a recovering alcoholic at a young age I can only say that your father has to make the decision to change for himself and no one else. No matter what you do to try and help him, short of the intervention already discussed, he'll continue to drink until he chooses not to. Try to catch him when he's sober, sit down and let him know exactly how and why things are affecting you. The key is not to make him feel threatened or like he's being attacked. Be blunt but tactful, and honest but non-threatening. Ask him why he thinks he needs a drink. Be prepared that he might not take kindly to this. Just know that you are doing what you feel is necessary and right and move on from there. I hope this helps. If you want more suggestions or more insight to my story hit me on the PM and we can talk.
  5. I want to get a British Bully so bad but my wife says they are ugly. I , on the contrary think they are beautiful dogs. I'll talk her into it one day, hell I might just "surprise" her one day with a new friend! good looking Bully's!
  6. I made this same mistake with my wife. Now instead of the loving her G6 GT she keeps begging me for a new TBSS. Let this be a warning to all other SSS owners with wifes or Girlfriends. Dont let them drive it until you're ready to dish out some cash for another truck. haha
  7. I'm seriously looking into this mod as well. Slyder7 I'm looking forward to your pics. Has anyone done this Mod with the Stock 20's? How much of a clearance issue do you think would be there?
  8. I'm good for the 27th and 28th. Anybody else?
  9. DDR=Dance Dance Revolution Yea its the stupid dance game but my wife and her girlfriends love it.
  10. I hear ya there brother! I have a New Years Party every year and GH, Rockband, DDR, and Singstar get regular rotation once everyone gets hammered. Oh crap, I cant believe I admitted that I actually own DDR! It must of been that year in Korea I spent watching 7 y/o Korean kids dominate that game! hahaha
  11. Cant do Tuesday's. Has to be a weekend for me. Its a 1.5 hr drive to the track from where I live, plus I have Jiu Jitsu training on Tuesday's.
  12. Nices pics bro. Where abouts on the Northwest side of Chi are you? I live in Montgomery, but I work in Elmhurst.
  13. Gotta love Rockband! There's nothing like a six pack and a cool night pounding away on Rockband drums! hahaha! I'm such a geek!
  14. So everyone needs to post what weekends work best for them so we can get this thing nailed down. As stated before, I'm available any weekend after the 5th of September.
  15. I've played the Deans and Jackson's before. I'm not a big fan of there fret boards. The Dean's pickups are nice though. My fav by far right now is my '60's re-issue. Its got a good beefy Gibson tone that sounds great for the Metal I play. Definately gives that chug to keep a song moving.
  16. Figured I'd do a post to see who here plays an instrument, sings, or writes. I play the following: Guitar 9 years Bass 8 years Drums (still teaching myself) Sing (not well) Write Current hardware in my inventory: Gibson Les Paul 1960's re-issue (Black Pearl) '92 Epiphone Special Edition Crackle Burst(960 of 1803) '00 Ibanez RG550 Fender Acoustic Martin Acoustic Taylor Acoustic Randall RH200 Head Marshall 1960a slant cab Peavey 500W Bass head Peavey 4x15 bass cab Mackie Powered PA head Peavey PA towers Cheap OB 5 piece drum kit Fostex 8 track digital recorder Assorted Mics, stands, cables Of course if anyone is near the Montgomery IL area, PM me and maybe we can set up a lil jam session. *edit* forgot to mention my Ibanez rg440 bass, with Active pickups, its sound like butta baby.
  17. OMG...that makes me cringe just looking at it. You're handling things better than I would my friend. that's a good old fashioned beat down where I come from. How much more disrespectful can people get. No one has respect for anything now a days. Hope it doesnt cost you an arm and a leg to fix.
  18. Here's a repost of my little buddy Havoc AKA "Geriputo you fat sh#t". Yes he does live up to his name! Oddly enough my wife named him and she lives up to his name as well minus the fat part! haha!
  19. I'm down depending on what weekend it is. I know I am not available until after the weekend of the 5th of Sept but I am pretty open after that.
  20. Yea, cant say Im a huge fan of that. If they are going to bring back an El Camino look alike they need to do it the same as the way they did the 'Maro. Keep old school looking with some new school flare. Then again i'm a sucker for a classic.
  21. Here's some pics of my right hand man. He takes care of the wife while I'm gone. He's also a little lady killer! He's also a huge fan of SSS. Head out the window with ears flappin at 90 is the way he rolls! HAHA!
  22. Looks like its in really good shape for a stunt bike. have fun, be careful, wear your brain bucket!
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