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Posts posted by 86merk

  1. That was one nice turnout. Awesome day the SS gods gave us :D . That cruise was nice, and it was funny scaring the shit out of all the quiet ppl out in huntington. Did the F**k Ford truck get messed with to bad, I was right behind him when he got pulled over. Fat ass cop with nothing better to do :dupe: . It was funny I asked what happened when I drove by and he said it was because of no plate and a bad attitude :D . Well great GTG, hopefully we can do it again sometime.

  2. Hmm

    1. how bout the SS design on the upper left and on the back have silveradoss.com on it...

    2. on one of the sleeves around the edge have silveradoss.com/or member name and have Big SS design on back

    3. To bad we have a polo with the ss embroider upper left chest and silveradoss.com around the sleeve i would totally take that in black


    truck colors


    black/ red writing or vice versa

    blue/black writing


    i dont know if anybody would buy a silver/black writing


    just some ideas see where it goes



    I like all of the ideas once we come up with something everyone agrees upon the owner can get on and talk with the admin to set up GB. need something that everyone can agree on. We are doing three diffrent design for the TBSS guys. Keep the ideas coming.

  3. Hello I am thinking about having some shirts made up for the SSS community. I was looking for some feedback for some designs of what everyone would like. You can see some ideas we have on the TBSSowners.com. I think you might have to be a member to see page though sorry.



    here is a pic of a shirt we had made up in five min with a pic taken of the net.


    post-15391-1206981826_thumb.png This pic is a doctured image of one with the site logo on it.


    Let me know all the ideas you have and I will try and knock it out for you guys. :cheers:

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