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Posts posted by eddie1723

  1. wow sorry to hear about your truck!! but it shouldnt be to hard to get a new front end... fenders ad hood are the same as the regular silverados (i think) you should check out a few salvage yards and im sure you can find something, esp the interior, dash and all should be cake to find, hope it all works out for you!



    yeah i was thinking of going to a salvage yard this weekend, thanks for the tip

  2. Sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. Where was it stolen from?



    it was stolen in glendale, i work at a credit union we park across the street in a church parking lot and it was stolen from there all they did was pop the key hole out and it open right up thats what the cop told me when they found it. check out this pic


  3. Wow that really sucks. Looks like they took everything but the kitchen sink. Why not just start over and find another one that someone has not destroyed? You must love that truck! By the way if I ever found who did that to my truck I would end up in prison! Good luck man!



    the insurance company paid it off and let me keep it so i dont have any payments to make. im only able to find the Escalade front end conversion kit online for a good price, no luck locating SS front end dealer prices are too high. might have to go with regular silverado front end.

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