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Posts posted by GoFastGirl

  1. brad this is priceless!!! I'm a girl but i would have played it smart...before taking my wishes i would have had a prenup signed....if he wants to leave he only gets half...i could live with that....lol....j/k.

  2. This is soooo depresing. :( You should be killed how you killed....BUT severly beaten first!!!! It's sick that a mother could take her own child's life....my mom wouldn't let anyone hold me till i was like 5 months old how could someone after 3 years take her own childs life....put me in a room with her for five minutes thats all I ask.

  3. Dan you are always good to jason and me when we come down you house us feed us and bang on our trucks when they don't work how we want them too.... You are very appreciated in my book...you babysit(jason) lol... and you happen to be with one of my very best friends my sister from another mister and you cook some mean alfredo and...ummmm and ummm......lol....raven and onyx are the kewlest dogs evah....so now this post looks like a 2nd grader wrote it but im tired and it has everything i want to say so :P .

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