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Posts posted by BOB47

  1. I was at a car show last weekend and 2 guys were interested in buying my truck. It's an '03 with 51,000 miles. The one guy gave me his business card and said if I'd consider $25k to give him a call. I'm tempted but I still love the damn thing.

  2. The last time I was at the volcano (night viewing at the crater), some tourists were flat out unimpressed. "Is that all it's going to do?" Buddy, you had better hope that's all it's going to do!


    Did you hike out to the ocean entry?

    No, we wanted to but my wife has a bad knee and we had already put in about 6-7miles that day.

  3. Hope you had a good time dodging tropical storms!


    I saw a Pearl colored SS yesterday. It looked factory... I didn't think they made them in anything but black/red/blue/silver.

    We missed the hurricanes but managed to see the volcano on the big island while it was active.

  4. My wife and I just got back from Oahu. Spotted a Black SSS on the North Shore Monday Sept 5th and another nice black SSS right by the Disney Aulani Hotel on Thursday the 8th. Both going the opposite direction as me. Saw a third one by the hotel but it was obviously a work truck. Beat to hell.

  5. Haven't been on here in a longtime. I'm really sorry to hear the news Joe. Saw a black SSS just today drive by while I was at work and the first thing I thought was that it looked like yours. Strange, huh? I'll keep an eye out and look a little closer if I see another one.

  6. 5 or 6 years ago someone posted pics of their newly redone interior. It was done in black leather with a diamond pattern on the seats. He posted a bunch of pics. Can't remember whose truck it was and I've searched for about a week and can't find it. If anyone remembers, could you post a link or tell me the members name? Any help would be great. Meanwhile I'll keep searching.

  7. So, for the first time I plan on not driving the SSS until the weather gets nice again. Any suggestions as to what to do? Pull the battery or trickle charger? Nitrogen in the tires? Jack stands? It's going to be in an unheated garage and I've never let it sit all winter. Need thoughts/ideas. Thanks.

  8. The wife and I are going to take a vacation later next month. Plan is to fly to Vegas and rent a car and go to Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon, etc. Hoping to meet up with zippy and Lindsey while in Vegas. My wife signed me up with Exotics Racing for 1 day. I get to drive a Lamborghini at Vegas Speedway!!! Should be a great time. I'm really excited.

  9. First time I saw them was at the 1st Zippy event. Guy who was on the development team for the SSS was there handing them out. Free. I got #s 23, 24 & 25. Sold 2 and I'm keeping the last one. Already framed and hanging.

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