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Posts posted by PHALERYDR

  1. hey guys i need some much needed help for some reason my truck started this pulsing thing in the dash bord and the lighting inside the truck, im trying to figure what it could be i changed the altinator and its still doing it i checked the batter and its fine. i also tryed taking of the power wire that comes from the altinator and it went away then i put it back on and it came back.


    so if any body know what im talking about or might have any ideas please help haha






    I know this is an old post but My 04 is doing the same thing.
  2. This truck is currently my DD until it is warm enough to ride one of the bikes. So I am not trying to do alot just looking for some extra ponies from what I already have.

  3. If both engines are stock, then it isn't worth the trouble of the swap. What will be a nice upgrade is to take the LS6 heads off the LS6 motor you have and bolt them onto the LQ9. While you are at it do a nice cam. You can bolt on close to 75HP for around $500. :thumbs:



    Ok I am not looking to be the fastest just looking for some more HP and not let my LS6 go to waste. With that said what cam would work best for everyday driving with good gas or same gas mileage. Again I will not be tracking the truck but would like a little more power without sacrificing the towing.

  4. Well let me say this was not someting I would have considered but I wrecked my Z and I am know considering swaping the LQ9 for the LS6 that was in the Vette. Has anyone done this and how much work is it?

  5. Nice ride bro. I have an '03 Z black with mod red int. You should try posting on some of the Corvette Forums. If I wasn't looking to buy a house I would be very intrested in adding another Z to the stable. I will ask around I may know some people around here in the market for one.


    Are you willing sell the after market parts seperatly and also do the original parts come with it?

  6. I noticed a rattling under the hood, as I left the shop the night before last. I had just detailed the motor and washed the exterior. When I got home, I noticed the damn nut that hold the alternator pulley on was missing! I guess it just fell off lol. I have never touched the alternator, so i blame GM LOL. Anyways, the dealer doesnt sell or even have info on individual parts of the alternator. All the parts guy could tell me was that I could buy the entire alternator only and retail is $282. Does anyone have any suggestions? I need to drive the truck tomorrow. Thanks guys....Sam.



    I would check the local junkyard first.:pepsicheer:

  7. 2 days after I bought my SS a girl rearended me. What Pi$$ed me off was her friend in the passenger seat told her not to give me her insurance info so I called the police. She ended up with a ticket and they paid for my damages. 2 mothes after that a little Mexican dude merged into my lane and hit me. I swerved, slamed on the brakes and hit the horn and he sttill clipped the front bumper. Then this prick gassed it and tried to run but he was in a Geo Przim and I caught him fairly quickly and cut him off. I jumped out of the truck and asked him if he had insurance ( I swear if he did not I was going to f-him up ) he did and they payed for it. 1 week after getting it fixed a mini van clipped the same bumper while me and my girlfriend were out having dinner. Payed out of my pocket to get that fixed. Just two weeks ago again someone has clipped the same side front bumper again and scratched up my drivers side door. :banghead:

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