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Posts posted by Jordmagg

  1. The 03 blower motor resistor is on a VIN specific recall. Go to your nearest GM dealership and they will run your VIN and see if yours is part of the recall.



    For those of you that have already had the repair done AND you have your receipts, you can get a refund. My dad had his '03 repaired about a year ago and at the dealership it cost about $500 for him to get it done. He got a full refund from Chevrolet. This recall is only specific to the 2003 model with the manual temperature adjustment, not the digital one.

  2. I had both headlights go out at the same time for me once. That's the reason I asked. i spent 3 hours checking all the wiring and couldnt find anything wrong. I had an old bulb, stuck it in and it work. Damnedest thing ever. It's funny when those things happen and it turns out to be something so simple. I hope that's all it is for you as well.

  3. Just installed my Wheatley tune yesterday and I'm curious to how long, if any, it takes for the relearn to completely take effect. I've already felt the improved acceleration getting on the freeway, OMG! Does it get better still?

  4. I work on an AIr Force base and the guy was watching there. I cant take my gun on base being it's a Federal installation. But ass of April 23rd I haven't hide nor hair of this guy again. The scare I put into him when I last saw him probably kept him away so as to clean up his own SH$T out of his jeep.

  5. Update!!!! Well, it seems my attempt to put the scare in the person following me has worked. When leaving work, the guy happened to pull out in front of me while driving off base and I saw him give me a long look in his rear view at me. To see if he was still looking for anything I pulled up right along side him at the next light. I looked over at him the whole time waiting for the light to change. He did look over at me once. He apparently got the message loud and clear.


    Thanks to all of you for your suggestions.

  6. Update!!! The guy came around again today. I just happened to be looking out the window and saw him pull into the parking lot. I ran outside to get a better look and the SOB stopped right in front of my truck. So I snuck through the cars and came up behind the guy, fortunately the guys window was down. I came up behind him and yelled, WHAT THE F&%$ ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME FOR? I didnt even give the guy a moment to speak, I was acting like I was trying to get him out of his car. I warned him if I catch him again anywhere near me, even if by accident I'd be calling an ambulance for him. That dude went completely white. It was the funniest thing to see. So, we'll see if the scare tactic was efffective.

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