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Posts posted by 56chevywagon

  1. Thanks guys...& Ben, give us a call sometime, we'd like to hear from ya. I'll be sure that I tell Andrea hi for ya too....Thanks again everyone. We just went to our first ultrasound on Tuesday and seen the little fella and got to hear the heart beat...That was so cool!!!!!!According to the size, she was 7 weeks and 6 days so she was 8 weeks on Wednesday. This is so great, I'm so excited.

  2. Congrats man...Thanks for joining the Department Of The Navy...lol Sorry, I just couldn't help myself...Just so you know, I'm a squid...Thanks again man, you won't regret it...and just to ask again, what is your MOS??? :flag:

  3. I also forgot to mention that it was about 106* out when I left the track at 10pm and I had to drive it about 40 miles just to get there so the truck was already hot and I started running within 30 minutes of arriving...also like I said, the tune is nowhere close to being done...I had what was supposed to be a stock tune but the truck would not run with that tune without pinging like crazy and sounding like a rod was gonna come out of the side of the block...As for being happy with the times...No....but I am satisfied with the progress that I have made with the tune...this thing would have been alot slower than it was if I was ignorant and tried to run it with that stock tune...in fact it probably would have been in my garage with a bent rod or melted piston from detonation...I am still working on the tune and hope to have alot better times to come...

  4. OK, I'm back from the track and I'm pretty satisfied for still needing to finish the tune...The tune is only about half done...I've only worked the VE table, nothing else yet. Here was my best time.



    R/T: .183

    60' : 2.018

    330': 5.822

    660': 8.971

    MPH: 78.519

    990': 11.614


    E.T.: 14.022


    MPH: 98.452

  5. Well, I'm got my tune about half way to where it should be so I thought I'd run it out to the track for a couple of runs just to see how close I'm getting...If any AZ people want to meet up out there, I'm going to Speedworld Motorplex this Saturday the 14th and I should be there around 7-8pm. I'll get my times posted up soon.



    Here is the website for the track in case you need to fond oput where it is:




  6. As it says...We just got the confirmation yesterday...The wife is 7 weeks 3 days tentative as of right now...We have our first ultrasound next week and will have a better idea of the delivery date then. We're so excited, we had been trying for over 4 years and now it has finally come true...WHOO HOO!!!!!!!


    Just thought I'd put this out, I haven't been able to keep myself for telling people :D

  7. OK.....I didn't unplug the MAF and do the SD...I just started to adjust the VE table...am I doing this wrong then??? I have noticed quite a difference in the truck since I've been doing this but I have also noticed that the logging has not been changing very much even though I have added to the table twice now... They have changed a little but not much... ?????????

  8. I think I have it kinda figured out...I'm currently working on the LTFT's. I am just needing to put some miles on it before I do my next log so that it can relearn the fuel curve...

  9. OK...I'm still getting pinging...It's not as bad as the original radix tune but after I changed the "IAT Spark - Base" back to stock, the pinging kind of went away...you can still hear, it is alot less noticable but still there... I just need to know what I need to look for in my logging files to know what to change in the tune...Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks



  10. It's done and running...finally...I just have to do some logging now because for some reason it seems to be pinging a little on accel...I hoping that it's just because of changing the tune back and forth so much and that it has to completely set with a few miles on the truck...Thanks for evryone who replied with helpful answers... :thumbs:

  11. OK...I got it figured out...I was trying to use the tune "as-is" instead of x-ferring the tables to a tune that has my VIN attached to it...Matt Walls is a savior. that was the first thing he asked was if I was just trying to flash the tune or if I put it in my own tables...So far it seems to be pinging a little on accel but I am hoping that it is just because the tune hasn't fully set in yet...I'm gonna be doing some logging tomorrow to see...

  12. I had Zippy in mind and have delt with him before...This tune that I have is not a third party attempt, but a download of the stock radix tune. Holty was able to use this tune but for some reason it just isn't working for me...The only thing that I can think of is that it may not be compatible with my newer HPT software. If all else fails tonight, I'll be calling Zippy tomorrow. Thanks.

  13. Well, just finished up the install and installed the tune that I have for my HPT but once it is finished my pumps don't run and my gas gauge stays at empty...I re-installed the stock tune and all works fine...I received the stock radix tune from two different people and both tunes do the same thing. Does anybody have any idea's???? PLEASE HELP!!!



    Thanks in advance.



  14. Well, just finished up the install and installed the tune that I have for my HPT but once it is finished my pumps don't run and my gas gauge stays at empty...I re-installed the stock tune and all works...I received the stock radix tune from two different people and both tunes do the same thing. Does anybody have any idea's???? PLEASE HELP!!!



    Thanks in advance.



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