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Everything posted by Miller812

  1. awesome pics man. send me your rims haha
  2. need to throw some hids in your reverse lights now. they work nicely with tinted tails. lookin good
  3. got our paint booth almost finished, rinse tank stand build :) coming along great so far

  4. Same here. Don't like the new one
  5. Yea lol had alot wishing they were lol
  6. I always park way in the back if the lots by no one and give out and there is always a little pos honda right next to me snugged right up against the truck. It's like wtf. Honestly.people Sent From My GNex
  7. Id scuff it up and take the grime off and try to get the chips sorta smooth. Wipe it clean then hit it with your base color, then clear it. If the chips are really deep you have to sans it down till there south and probably have to re prime as well Sent From My GNex
  8. yup other then under the doors to the cab. you have to make them fit on your own with a little nip and tuck
  9. very sexy. love the emblems in black. Jon boy does good work for sure.
  10. Looking good homie Sent From My GNex
  11. Woa man that is unacceptable will! Sent From My GNex
  12. <br /><br /><br /> Pm sent Sent From My GNex
  13. <br /><br /><br /> Send me 117 for now and when I ship it to you I'll let ya ya no how much it it's then you can send me that then Sent From My GNex
  14. Shoot me money for it and I'll buy it and get it and then I'll ship it to you Sent From My GNex
  15. welcome and youd better get some pics up. congrats on the new truck and sounds like your going to have some fun workin on it. also sounds like you need some cutouts
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