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Everything posted by Miller812

  1. Congrats man that's awesome Sent From my Droid X on Miui
  2. <br /><br /><br /> Ya I'll keep ya guys posted on how they hold up. Ya with my little knowledge off the stuff it seems if you get a corner up it all just peels right off Sent From my Droid X on Miui
  3. <br /><br /><br /> Ya lol that's a smokin deal Sent From my Droid X on Miui
  4. actually today i did my girls rims on her car to and one of the rims wasnt cleaned so good and the plasti lifted in a spot so i let it dry fully and then i peeled it off. kinda hard getting it started but sooooo easy to peel off if laid on thick and warmed up also. i am just doing it to protect my chrome from the mag cloride sprayed here in butte, when summer hits ill peel it off and then buy me some black 22 repz
  5. heres a couple of the center caps. i think they look pretty sweet
  6. Haha you can just say its textured Sent From my Droid X on Miui
  7. i did just letting them set up a little more before putting them on. also i like to torq my lugz and then check em again after a couple hours of driving around
  8. so i have been wanting to plasti my chrome rims for the winter to protect them from the mag cloride for a couple weeks now thanks to will lol. unfortunatly nowhere had any in my town but ace hardware. and it was just one can. so i finally got out of town and bought up 10 cans. well now my rims are plastied. enjoy some bad pics haha.
  9. this sucks. i hate virusses . why would you give us this viruss
  10. looks great man. your truck will be bombin when ya get her dropped
  11. the rear bumper will look goofy without the cladding.
  12. winter is my slow season at work so nothing expensive planned. i plasti dipped my rims haha. thatll be about the extent of mine unfortunatly
  13. Welcome to the site. I don't have either for sale but do you have the cladding on your truck? Sent From my Droid X on Miui
  14. http://www.silveradoss.com/forums/topic/73604-plasti-dip-interior-parts/ theres already one started
  15. h ya lol. i just made an offer. my house my bike and 10k cash. and was rejected:banghead: . haha just kidden
  16. ya i love the stuff but theres only one place in my town that sells it. it sucks. but im going outa town tommorow to stock up on it . i have a couple things done in my interior and plan on doing some others and my rims.
  17. <br /><br /><br /> Me to . tomorrow finally along with some other parts Sent From my Droid X on Miui
  18. Sweet. I need me some two Sent From my Droid X on Miui
  19. <br /><br /><br /> Plasti dip them! Sent From my Droid X on Miui
  20. Oh ya. In a deep slow voice haha. Looks really good man Sent From my Droid X on Miui
  21. nice thanks dylan. i need to get my swirls out first haha. wish i had a printer. someone wanna print me one up.
  22. I would tell them to fix it or I ain't buying it. Sent From my Droid X on Miui
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