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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. Nice truck. That's a ton of pictures.
  2. You just missed a used one for sale. Good luck finding another one used. I'm willing to bet you won't find another one for a LONG time. You got to pay the price to look nice.
  3. Auto Anything use the 15% off discount code.
  4. He is supposedly still shipping orders, according to a couple GSXR forums. Well, since it is public on a few of the forums,now. I don't see a problem saying it here. His cousin committed suicide a few months back, and he kind of went MIA. So give it some time, it should arrive.
  5. I think I do saved somewhere. I will check for you. Edit: Do you want the OEM Tune file, or a driving log with OEM tune? I found both. PM me
  6. I say, get it fixed, have them fill the holes. Go to at least 5 shops to get quotes. You are still going to have to pay them to prime, base,clear it.Plus cost of new bumper.
  7. Double din or Pirannah tank?

    1. blueracer


      what kind of pirannah?


    2. blueracer


      what kind of pirannah?


    3. eeekroar


      Just the standard RBP. In 125g. Fluval fx5 to get it started.

  8. Honestly, I'm not sure if it was super charged. The guy on the intercom kept saying, he shouldn't have turned traction control off. I think after the he finally drove it down the track, the police rushed down there.
  9. Unfortunately, If you have a bike long enough. Chances are it's going to hit the ground sometime, or another. You probably could make a little cash from selling the stock fairings, but you would have to buy another set of stock unless you want to buy aftermarket. Which will have some fitment issues. Not mention good luck selling the stock ones in one shot.Everyone just wants a piece. I say paint those bad boys blue. Only problem is your gas mileage will go down in your truck, because you will not want to take it out the back.
  10. Yeah, she kept saying SSS were the biggest POS ever made. That it had a ton of problems, and was slow that's why she bought a "real" truck. I think a couple of us was called gay, if I remember correctly.
  11. Am I the only one that noticed the SS were upside down on the sides?
  12. I think that's the truck from the "girl" that cussed everyone out on here, saying our trucks suck. Buy a dodge.
  13. I have Black Label Society tickets for tonight, and can't stop throwing up.Of all days to wake up sick!

    1. Guest


      I hope you feel better and make it to the concert bud!

    2. eeekroar


      Yeah, I made it. I had a migraine which I think was triggering the vomiting. Luckily never took any of the hydrocodone from when I broke my ankle.

    3. Guest


      Glad to hear you made it bud.

  14. AAAAAANNNNNNDDDD STILL, Light Heavy weight Champion of the world!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ruben525


      Is that the guy who called out spider? If so I hope spider beats his ass! ( I like watching UFC but dont really keep up with everyone).

    3. eeekroar


      haha, yeah! That guys trash talk videos are hilarious. He actually believes the insane sh*t he says.

    4. Ruben525


      When he was talking it reminded me of the wwe

  15. You should come down for Scrapin' the coast. There is at least 20,000 trucks on air bags every year. I love driving over curves, and medians to much. Maybe one day I will grow up, and drop it.
  16. The track was pretty lack luster tonight. Maybe tomorrow night will have more cars. Highlight was the Corvette loosing traction, and doing a SLOW doughnut, backing into the wall.I ended up parking beside some SERIOUS red necks. The whole night was complaining about POS imports, and how Sh*tty Chevys are. Ford are the best things ever made. Of coarse they kept giving me the "stink eye", since I was in the SS with the bike in the back. I love haters.......
  17. Hardcore=Pantera Incubus=Getting blowed in the back of the bowling alley.
  18. Sam Adams, since Abita beer was not a choice. Bud light, if worst comes to worst. Can't drink the red label though.
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