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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. Cool! What are you planning on getting? Sounds like you like Suzuki, but are you planning on the 600 first, or trying a 650sv? I know a lot of people will tell you to get a 250,but I won't even start that argument here. Sounds a little biased, but I think we all are. GsxR are GREAT street bikes. I really like CBRs also. My advice is go sit on every bike first.See which you like. I like how you sit very low on the gsxRs, but that's my opinion. Some people like how you sit higher up on the R6s. Performance wise they are very similar. They are all track bikes with turn signals. Don't hate on Vespas! I'd rock the F*** out of a scooter!
  2. Have you got a bike yet, or taking the class first? My advice. AGATT no matter what! Trust me, crashing hurts! If your friends want to be squids let them. Helmet,jacket,gauntlet gloves,boots, and at least kevlar pants.You will thank yourself later when you go sliding down the road doing 50mph. 2009 GsxR 600
  3. Sport is cheaper than the touring, 1k+ If you buy it from hustlers!
  4. If you can, I would ride in different trucks. When I listened to Youtube, it sounded completely different than it did in person. You know I vote for the Corsa. My touring is VERY quite at idle, and acceleration. Sounds great at WOT, but might not be loud enough for you. I know it will sound a lot better once I put headers on it. That's why I did not go with the sport. If you want I can make a video of it, since I never found a video with just the exhaust without headers. If I had to do it over, I would spend the $700 on the Corsa again.
  5. My girl left raw hamburger meat in the SS. Holy Hell it STINKS!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BlueAKSSS


      thats gotta smell bad....

    3. Ruben525


      Shit yea gotta show her who's BOSS!!!!! lmao

    4. SuperStock


      haha gotta get her back in line


  6. Use Photobucket, imageshack,etc etc etc Not everyone has picture messaging.
  7. eeekroar

    Srt-4 Down

    I had a friend that had one, I think I heard about his turbo everyday, multiple times a day. My reply was dude, it's still a neon.
  8. Truck looks GREAT, but I still like the STI better!
  9. HOLY HELL! What a STEAL! If you are considering a tune, and do not buy this I will personally slap you in the face. Seriously....... I will ! I know there will still be certain people considering Diablo sport programmers over this though.
  10. In New Orleans to see Joe Rogan. Tomorrow night, UFC

  11. This is my setup. The helmet is $650. Got it for $450 Brand New shipped!Bell Star Carbon Fiber Cerwinske. I think the camera retails for about $300+. I got it for $220 plus external mic, so I can make Vlogs.
  12. No, it's a drift stealth HD. I really like the GOPRO quality, but it's just to bulky for me. Plus, the external microphone jack on the drift makes it worth it. I can shoot in 1080P with 60 FPS if I choose to.
  13. The Harley Davidson advice is hilarious! This is what you get to look forward to.This happened to me yesterday. Don't mind my girlie scream. You will develop one to Here is one of what you really need to watch out for. Over cautious old people! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0q1lAWBo1x0
  14. Mine makes a noise from under the passenger side to. I just turn the radio up louder.
  15. I have a 09 Gsxr 600, and LOVE it. Since you have never had experience it will be hard to ride each brand to see which you like the best. Everyone has their own opinions on which is the best.It looks like a decent deal. I know the powers have good grip, they just don't last as long as the Road 2s or 3s.I would recommend getting Farmers insurance. They were the cheapest for me having speeding tickets in the past. 112 a month for full coverage. I ended up switching it to State Farm under my girls name for 43 a month. I know Geico quoted me around 4,500 a year though. 20K= miles is actually not that much. It has a lot of life left in it. Most of the time you see very low miles on bikes are from either being dropped, and they got scared. Or they took out a loan and can not pay it. Check the brakes,front forks. Ask when the chain was replaced.Take it for a full throttle test run first, or bring someone with you capable of bringing the RPMs up. Ask the seller to leave it cold until you get there, and let you start it up. Trust me it's easy to say you won't haul ass on it, until you actually feel the rush. I think everyone who has ever bought a bike has said it, including me. Just be smart. Wear gear ALL THE TIME! Sweating does not hurt. Road rash does. Sure I look like a stupid blue power ranger, but I challenge any guy in shorts, and tank top to jump off going 50 with me, and see who ends up the most hurt. I had a wreck not to long ago. Was ran off the road, and slid down the side of the street, If I wasn't wearing full gear, including motorcycle boots. I would of defiantly ended up in the hospital. Oh yeah, Call a rehab because you will get addicted!
  16. eeekroar

    Srt-4 Down

    SRT-4. i think he means the Turbo Neon
  17. Lucky dog, they tried to charge me almost 300. I have learned to live without poor ole number 5.
  18. Haha, I ain't even mad BRO!!!! About how big are the front letters going to be on the front of the hoodies? Same size as the shirts?
  19. After deatiling my truck, I come home from a ride with my girl blowing grass, and dust on it with the lawn mower. These are the times in life when you have to put a women in a triangle

    1. zpaucoin


      lmao I ALWAYS triangle choke my girl. She likes it though...

    2. shawnss


      Wow im sorry. same thing happened to me this last weekend.

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