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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. Nice fat booty bitch. I'm jealous. I want a STI so bad. Plus, I love hatches with fat booties.
  2. Well, it was not God giving me a message because the sound is back again. I guess after the BMW is fixedI will have the SSS put into the shop. Need to have the rear cab window looked at also since it has a howling wind sound,so I suspect it not forming a complete seal.
  3. HaHa, that's how I drive my Honda! POWER SHIFT.....VTEECCCCC! I do love talking shit to Mustang guys, too. It makes my dick hard beating Mustang GTs in my Hatchie. I must admit I'm having a hard time letting the ricer inside me die. Maybe when I'm 65 I'll get rid of my fat booty bitch, until then FART-CAN POWER!!!!!
  4. HAHA, yeah it works awesome............. I lie.....
  5. Damn, that sucks. AIC was the best "grunge" band IMO, but never was the same without Layne.
  6. Should of got the X drive. Even though my 2011 Twin Turbo has become a yard ordainment. Thinking about getting a Supercharged Jag XF or a Merc.
  7. Unfortunately, It's not that simple. I have a shattered right ankle and can not put any pressure on it. Also, our 2011 BMW has become a yard ordainment. We have been waiting three weeks for them to get us into the shop, and give us a rental car. Which means either she drives the SS to work or we have no means of income. Trust me, before my ankle broke there was a rule of no driving the vehicles with me in it, unless I was the pilot.
  8. Man, I wish they had some closer dates. Just seen Down and met the band. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  9. First off I have the stock Bose 6 disc.I'm not even a 100% sure if it is a radio, ac problem, or something else.While riding home with my girl she nearly dropped the tranny out on the pavement because she decided to be a jackass and throw it in reverse while still moving forward.After I said "don't turn around here we won't make it in the truck, cars are coming." Literally a second after I start to hear a faint "REEEEE RRRRUNNNTTTT" noise coming from somewhere in the dash on the passenger side. It sounds almost like when you load a cd but not nearly as loud. I was able to eject and load all cds back but was still making the noise. I opened up glove box and it was a little louder but still nowhere near if you were to actually load one. I switched it to radio and it continued all the way home.Almost sounds like a person breathing on an oxygen tank.I was going to sit in the truck and turn the AC blowers to different speeds and listen to exactly where it was coming from without traffic noise around, but as soon as she slammed it into park,she shut it off and stormed in. Possibly, from calling her a jackass. Anyways, after I hobbled my crippled ass inside to get the keys and start it back up, the noise has magically stopped. Was this God telling me I shouldn't call her a jackass for trying to destroy the trans or was it a problem that will come back again?
  10. Were those powder coated or painted? Looked bad ass! I want to do mine aqua marine or purple.
  11. Someone sell me their Saiga 12....
  12. I need a gixxxer or a damn scooter, gas is raping us in the SS and BMW. My girl has the heaviest foot and has been driving the SS since the POS BMW is constantly in the shop or unable to drive because it is waiting to be put in the shop. Word of advice, kill yourself before you buy a 2011 335xi.
  13. Congratulations on truck, I also had to have steering shaft, and speed-o replaced, its common. You will enjoy it around here for sure. If you would have posted that novel on the BMW forum they would of skinned you alive and threw your body in a ditch. The guys on this forum are 1000000000000 times nicer and all around good people compared to the BMW douches.
  14. I think we all need to go into business on an oil refinery...... First person to front a billion can be CEO.
  15. Not worth it to me.... Give me one broke in for under 20k and I'll use the other twenty to make it a monster.
  16. Fools like that is why I carry the Glock 17 every where I go. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU5KJt-NgVA For some reason I was already in a "gangster" hating mood today.
  17. Welcome! Post some pictures up when you get a chance.
  18. I think they are prosthetic but I also saw pictures where she has huge horns coming out of her shoulders. I guess she got tired of people saying she was copying Madonna so she thought " Hell, why don't I copy Darth Maul "
  19. I think she is on that "Charlie Sheen"
  20. I've never seen any of the aftermarket trim kits in person so I can not judge how they fit. If you were to paint the trim you have now, you would at least be assured it would fit correctly. Also, you could throw some pearl or metal flake in it if you chose to. If you have college around, get your dad to swing in and talk to the instructor. If not, I'm sure a body shop would not charge you too much for a couple pieces. I would suggest getting your paint from Oreily's.Not all of the stores have a paint department but usually at least one in town has a full paint department in the back of the store. Where I live you have to go through a door in the back of the store, so get him to call before hand so he doesn't have to waste gas.
  21. Wow, California tax is steep! I had mine transferred from LA to MS and paid $1250ish with personalized tag.
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