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Posts posted by TheDarkness

  1. I have two boys 8year old and a 5 year old they would kick my butt if I got rid of the sss mine is awd

    Just wondering what did they give u on te trade


    The good news is I work for a car dealer and I got a smoking deal on everything. Pretty much got retail for my truck and paid $500 over cost on the new truck. I cant really complain about the cost. Working for a car dealer has its perks.

  2. I said the same exact thing but instead I said F it I'm only gonna live once and kept it. Bought a brand new truck and don't regret the decision at all. If it sits a few days O well. When I drive it all I do is :) :) GL on the choice you make


    Haha, I actually did consider it. Cant really afford two trucks at the moment. Kids are expensive.

  3. Thanks for all the replies guys, its comforting. Having extended cab isn't too much of a hassle, more of an inconvenience. Getting around in the snow with a 2wd SS is a pain in the ass though. I would love to have an SSS again someday, the problem is going to be mileage later down the road. My SSS only had 47,000 miles when I traded it today. Tough to find them now with that many miles, yet alone years down the road.

  4. Pretty sad today fellas, I've decided to trade in my beloved Silverado SS for a little upgrade. I have loved these trucks since they came out and have always wanted one. I finally found one low miles 4 1/2 years ago and said I would keep it 'til the wheels fell off. Then this beautiful person came into my life.



    Everyone knows that has children understand the difficulty getting a child into the extended cab trucks. Just not enough room. And because my truck is a 2006 it doesn't have AWD. Having a four wheel drive truck would be nice. I would spend many hours cleaning the SS. When the time came to go pick up brick pavers for the patio I borrowed my father in laws truck cause I didn't want to scratch mine. I figured its time for me to get rid of the "sports car" and get an actual truck I can beat up a little. There's a little tear in my eye while I write this so I figured the only people that understand my pain are you guys. Sorry guys just venting a little I guess.


    If you have a Silverado SS that you love just give it a little pat on the dash for me today, thanks.


    My former SSS




    And the new to me ride.

    2008 Chevrolet 2500hd






  5. When all the old timer Silverado SS guys selling their trucks, im thinking about an upgrade. Currently have an 06 SS. Thinking I want an AWD SS. If you guys see any at any dealerships let me know. Been on ebay and craigslist and haven't found on I like.

  6. Hey guys, Just recently purchased the 22" Trailblazer SS reproduction rims and am looking to get rid of my 20" oem Chrome SS rims. I had a little alignment issue and it wore the inside of the tires out. The tires will probably need to be replaced. Below are the pics of the rims. My truck is not my daily driver and it only has 45,000 miles. I am in Central Kansas. Make me an offer. Don't really want to mess with shipping.








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