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Everything posted by poopnewton

  1. Almost 15 years ago I had a 86 Monte Carlo SS I put a pump gas big block in. It put down 508rwhp on pump gas. The motor was set up for nitrous but I never put any on it. I'm hoping this motor makes as much power as that motor would have if it had the nitrous on it. I know 500rwhp is no big deal now days but back around 2000 that was pretty good. The turbo is a s476
  2. Yes it should a whole different animal. I'll be going from almost completely stock without even having a tune to nothing stock but the short block.
  3. The shops making some progress. Hopefully will be done by Friday, probably next week.
  4. If you want 1 7/8 for cheap then I believe pacesetter is your only option.
  5. I just started mountain biking out here in Phoenix. I bought this cheap bike http://www.bikesdirect.com/products/dawes/haymaker2900.htm a couple of years ago and it was ok for dicking around the neighborhood but now that I'm actually going off road I wish I got something at a local store that fits my body better. Rather than just buying something online and hoping if fits right. My bike I think is a little big for me and I'm just waiting to rack my nuts good on the crossbar one of these days. Also the trails out hear are full of rocks and my ass literally pays for not having a full suspension bike every time I go out. Where your at the trails are probably not as rocky but if they are I'd look into a full suspension bike.
  6. If your looking for a 100% answer I'm not sure you will find one. From what I have read it's likely you will find someone who says brand x fits great and another guy who says they rubbed on something. Based on all the threads I've seen on cheap headers, if you don't need a stainless header go with pacesetters and if you do want stainless then OBX. I've never had headers on my truck so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
  7. I'm sure his school has strict supervision with someone to double check every tool, every offset, make sure they have the right program, and then pull the edit keys before they let any of the students ever hit the cycle start. Still I'm glad I wasn't the only machinist on here who wouldn't trust my heads with someone still in school.
  8. I know I did the hydroboost conversion on my truck but I only did it to because I was going turbo and wanted to be able build more boost off the line. With that said I'd rather go fast than stop fast. Go cheap headers and tune if you can afford both.
  9. No doubt. I've been working 6 or 7 days a week all year, I wouldn't have the time even if I had a place to do the install. Might as well pay someone to do it for me.
  10. This probably won't be much of a build thread considering I'm not doing the work but my truck is finally in the shop.
  11. My stage 4 Jakes and 3000 stall Circle D should be going in later this week, along with a couple other goodies.
  12. poopnewton

    Not Happy

    Why worry about a couple tenths, throw a turbo or supercharger on it and then try to drop your ET by a couple of seconds instead. lol
  13. I'm not trying to run the guy off if he's legit. My first post was just a little warning after seeing guys like Onebadcobra and Augustburnsred on here, not that this guy is like either one of them. He just seems a little over confident to me all things considered. His comment about being able to produce a product better than 99% of what is out there considering he's still in school seemed a little suspect to me. Anything CNC'd can only be as good as the cad data your programming it to, the person programming it, the machines running the programs, and the tools cutting the chips. Although his school may be good I doubt it has instructors and equipment that are better than 99% of what is out there.
  14. If your looking for heads to work on you might have better luck placing a ad on your local craigslist
  15. I have 317 heads and I don't care to take this conversation any further with someone who has never even ran a mill before. Let whoever wants to send their stuff to you do it, I wouldn't.
  16. Not to sound like a butthole but as a machinist myself I would not send a set of my heads out to someone just learning how to be a machinist for a free port job unless they put something in writing that they would replace my heads if they messed them up. There is a lot of way to set a work shift wrong, set a tool wrong, miss load something, or start a program on the wrong line and crash. I've seen it and done it. lol.
  17. I totally disagree with you guys. I think Stewart saw him and wanted to punk the kid out by punching it fishtailing it as he drove by. Not saying he wanted to hit him but the guy on the track either took a step Tony wasn't expecting or the car did something Tony didn't expect when he hit the gas. The guy getting out of his car was a a-hole move and so was Stewarts. It's a shame someone died over two guys be douchebags.
  18. I don't know if anyone mentioned this yet making sure your exhaust tips fully exit from under your truck will make a huge difference in how much drone you have and all around noise inside the truck. When I had my exhaust tips fully exiting from under my truck I had very little to no drone and the exhaust wasn't very loud at all inside my truck. Then I had to cut my exhaust to do some suspension work, now my exhaust is exiting under the truck and I have a shit load of drone and the in cab noise levels must have went up at least 3X.
  19. I grew up 1 mile from Woodward and moms still lives there. I wanted to take my truck out there if I got my turbo build done in time but I'm still waiting on my ****ing tranny. At this point even if my truck somehow did get done I wouldn't be able to get off work either.
  20. At least he's not asking $30K for it. I'd never want it but $12K doesn't really sound that bad if that's what your in to. I don't even want to talk about how much money I'll have in my turbo build once it's done.
  21. Not from LAX but I have picked up some reloaded ammo at the gun show before from another place just like LAX and it worked fine. I think I had maybe 1 FTF out of probably 300 rounds so far.
  22. poopnewton

    Me vs. 2014

    I'd Laugh my ass off if ^^^^ is onebadcobra. Anyway if everyone just ignored everything he posted he'd get bored and just go away
  23. Personally from the 5 or 6 times I changed pumps before I broke down and bought a new AC Delco pump, I found the jacking the front up to turn the wheels to be a waste of time. In my opinion the hydrobooster holds more air than the steering anyway and the only way I was able to get rid of it was by pushing the brake pedal to the floor several times while it's running. I did turn the wheel from side to side but I did it on the ground with the engine running. I just started it, turn the wheel back and forth, and push the brake pedal to the floor a couple of times then turned it off. After you do that you'll notice the fluid looks milky from all the air bubbles, Wait for the air bubbles to rise out of the fluid and repeat the process over and over until your fluid stays clear after turning the wheel and hitting the brakes. I'm not sure if it's the correct way but easier than jacking up the front and turning the wheels back and forth only to have a shit load of air in the system anyway. BTW you'll know if there is air in the booster if your bakes kick back when you tap them quickly
  24. You guys might want to research car intakes on truck motors while your figuring out how a engine works also.
  25. I saw a used one on Phoenix CL already painted black for $700.00 the other day. It was for a crew cab truck though.
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