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Posts posted by RaMoN_88_SS

  1. My ss got stolen on Thursday. I was hope in they found her. But it's not looking great at all. My guess is she is chopped or in Mexico by now. I would like to get close to the same as what I had. Mine was a 2005 with a mangacharger tvs1900 it had long tubes and a magnaflow exhaust. And a tune. It's had 22 in U2 55 wheels and it had a bad ass stereo system. They told me that if they didn't find my truck In 2 weeks they would consider it a total loss. I know my insurance is going to try to dick me around but the whole point of insurance is to get you back to what you had before the loss. So if anyone sees a sc SSS for sale please help me out so I can show these insurance guys that our trucks are not worth what a regular silverado is.

  2. I like the color it's just too much attention. I saw one a couple days ago but it was a gt with the green..it had the stock 19" black wheels but the inside if the spokes were painted the same green color and the spoiler was black..it looked great

  3. Did u get a v6 as well? This thing is quick for a v6. We got the appearance package it looks pretty nice..that gotta have it green is a bit too bright for my taste...I bet you turn a lot of heads with that color tho.

  4. My father in law bought one last year. It tows great and rides smooth not to mention you can do jumpin jacks in the back seat lol it's too roomy. He claimed it was the fastest truck he has ever drivin until he let him drive my truck to the store. I told him to floor it and his reaction was holy shit...gotta love boosted awd

  5. the truck was black originally the it got some hail damage and then the previous owner thought he would cash in the insurance check and do the body work on his own..so now its primered and I plan on painting it very soon.

  6. I'll start off by saying my SS isn't the cleanest looking SS by any means. Its a project and its rough around the edges but it is a real SS. That being said I was on my way to my parents house when I saw a SSS at a stop light. I pulled up next to the guy cool as can be. I was looking at his truck. It was a black 06+ and he rolled down the window. It was a paisa driving and he asked me in spanish if I liked his truck. I shook my head yes and I told him in spanish it was very nice and clean looking. Then the smart guy said "I bet you wish you had a real SS". I told him it was a real SS and he started laughing. After he started laughing I smiled at him and I rolled up my window. I know I said that after my police chase incident I wouldn't street race but guys I had no choice lol. So I put my foot on the brake and revved my engine a bit. as soon as the light turned green I heard him jump on it. As soon as I heard him I let off the brake and mashed an the throttle. By the time we were through the intersection I was almost a full truck ahead of him. I let off once I hit 80 and by then he was like 2 maybe 3 trucks behind. Once I got on the brakes he flew by me and then he slowed down at the next stop light he wouldn't even lower his window. I know I shouldnt street race and especially not a fellow SSS but it was worth it. If the guy happens to be a member, which I doubt, and he reads this.....all I got to say to him is NOT BAD FOR A FAKE SS HUH

  7. I have been thinking of a 2 tone sunset orange on the bottom and black on top with maybe some silver to separate..so I googled orange and black silverado and I found this..this is basically what I was thinking of but I'm not a fan of the flames..I'm thinking of separating the 2 tone with a thin tribal style silver leafing..still thinking of it what do you guys think..





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