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Posts posted by BlueAWDSS

  1. Yea I was telling chad hope they don't hand me flack for my truck being muddy. It was clean until yesterday. I drove it into work and had to park out in the field when it had just gotten dirty. I typically don't drive my truck to work but had to so I could go and get chads cover. This worked out perfect for both of us due to the fact that I was able to find him one locally and I am going up to michigan in july. So it became convenient for both of us. I am open to helping anyone out where and when I can. This is not the only clique of cars I'm into and help out on my other forums as well. And chad no problems man. It is tucked away safely and covered up by a tarp.




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  2. Here in Canada we phased out the penny this year, feb I think it was. Everything is rounded to the nearest 5c now (except digital transactions). I don't know about the US government but it cost the Canadian government 1.6c to make each 1c piece!! Crazy numbers when your talking millions if pieces.


    It costs us $1.73 to make and distribute a penny.


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  3. No, there is a political solution. But it will now never happen. You keep giving people the reason NOT to work, why will they. Like how people can get social security cause there bi-polar. Or reward people with more money and food with the more children they have with no intention of taking care of them. They expect the government to do it. Or now the worst of them all, free health insurance no matter what.


    It used to be a job was worth the pay, benefits, retirement plans. That is not the case anymore cause people are given this without any forth giving. They dont have to do anything but sit on there --- and do absolutely nothing. What if that was taken away. What would they do then. I bet they would get off there worthless asses and get a f**king job.


    Our government is in the shape there in because of this. It is quite easy to figure out. Less people working cause they dont have to the less taxes are being paid which equals less money going to the government. Which equals smaller and smaller budgets but yet bigger expenses.


    You want a political fix. Take that sh*t away and give it to people that "need" and not to people that are worthless and just feel like doing nothing.




    This is what I posted as stated on another forum.


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  4. Completely agreed. As stated i am a government contractor and work on naval ships. I am around military all day. I have quite a few friends that are in the military as well.


    I agree at the fact that we need to cut back. I'm gonna copy and paste a post I did on another forum I'm on so I don't have to type this out again.


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  5. The private contractors (where most of the money is spent) isn't affected.


    And what private contractors are you talking about :blink:... you must not work for the government or are directly funded by the government. I would love to know what company you work for so I can put an app in if your job is secure and your directly funded.


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  6. A couple of guys around here are going to northeastern next Saturday, in Hertford NC. I am pulling my Typhoon with the SS, should make for a good pic.


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    I'm about an hour away from hertford. Maybe I could meet up with you guys and chill. I can ask a few people here with SS's see if they would want to roll as well. What are you guys doing?



  7. The zo6 I'm surprised but the mustang come on now it's a ford, it didn't stand a chance


    I was surprised too. I was even more surprised when I got next to him and he gave me a thumbs up. I don't think he downshifted and that's why. But can confirm due to I couldn't hear his exhaust. Mustang guy seemed sorta pissed but... it is what it is. So now that I know that I don't have a tune it is time to start looking into getting one :D


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