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Everything posted by cwest94

  1. WHAT????? Are you saying you pay 3 thousand bucks a year for insurance? Holly Christ, and I thought I paid a lot at a thousand a year for two new cars.
  2. Just saw this post and wanted to say CONGRATS!!!!! Seeing that today is your birthday, I guess I know what you bought yourself for it, the ownership of the SS. It's an amazing feeling paying the truck off, I paid mine off around Feb or March of last year and it felt like a hundred pounds was lifted off my shoulders.
  3. Working SUCKS!!!!!!! Just kidding. Congrats, hope all goes well. One question. Those seem like a lot of hours to be working, 10hrs M-Th and then 16hrs on F. That's going to make you feel tired all the time. Oh, is that Friday only 4hrs?
  4. I agree, I dont really find it all that impressive.
  5. Thanks for posting the pics Fireman31. I felt dumb in asking for the pics. I'll have to go check this out tomorrow.
  6. Anyone have any pics, I'm not sure where it's at or what it looks like.
  7. Wow this topic makes me feel old, but yet I still look like I'm 20 and I was born in the 70's. Guess I've got darn good genetics. Oh, when I was 17 I was driving around in a 1986 Mercury Capri GS fastback. For those who have no clue what that is, it was The Mercury version of the Ford Mustang.
  8. Hope you didn't scratch the paint doing that SS on the door. My dumb a** neighbor has a black truck and put wash me into the side of the bed in large letters. When I seen that I just laughed because I knew it would still be there after it was washed and it was and still is a year latter. My SS is just as dirty as yours. The gas company is taking up the street and everyones front yards, so there is dirt everywhere. As soon as that's all done, i'll take it to a local car wash and just use the pressure water to blast everything away and then go home to do it all by hand.
  9. I'm a big fan of the carpet bed liner, I've had mine in now for almost 4yrs and still looks like new. I'm sorry to say this, but I'm not feeling those wheels.
  10. I agree with what others have said so far, you have to tell her how you feel. Dude, trust me, if you never do it, you will live to regret it for the rest of your life. Trust me, I know this from personal experience.
  11. I dont know, according to a page on wikipedia there is going to be a future SSS produced at a plant in Canada.
  12. Dude, sorry to hear of the sudden health problems. I hope things go well with a speedy recovery. It's good that it was found in early stages. I'm sure we all know of someone who has had this, I know someone who is currently fighting for their life right now with cancer. Where did they find the tumor at and how was it found?
  13. When my Shepard was young, he use to go after birds, jump right up into the air to get them and he was 70 to 75 pounds. My dad had a bird feeder at the end of the back yard and when you would let the dog out, he would go running right after them and he did get one once in mid air, it sure shocked me. But he stopped doing all that after he got out of his puppy stages after he was 2 or 3yrs old. He too would sit down in front of me if someone he didn't know would come near me and just growl and show his teeth. I always felt safe with him around so I never did anything about it, he was the best guard dog to have and loved his family to death. God I miss that dog.
  14. I've been up since 5am, but thats because I had to go to work.
  15. I've never once changed any bulb in mine, still have the original factory ones all around.
  16. Where are the pics of the damage done by the deer? I wanna see the blood all over the truck. : ) Sorry to see all the bad luck you have been having with the SS. Hope this doesn't sound bad, but I found your first post in this topic to be rather funny how you start out about the first accident and waiting so long to get it back and bang, smash it again on the very day you got it back from the shop.
  17. I lost my breath reading that post. Take a few deep ones and smile or just do this.
  18. I'm sure this will flop just as hard as the SSR did. But I would have to say that I think it's pretty slick looking and fast.
  19. I found it online and then seen it on this site as an announcement, which I noted in my original post. I just thought it was pretty cool, thats all.
  20. I wondered that same thing. Watch the TV show Rob and Big that's on MTV, Rob did that to his GMC Yukon. It sort of sick looking in certain light.
  21. Pontiac is going to make a sport truck based off the new G8, anyone else see or hear about this? It's also posted on this site as an announcement. Pontiac Sport Truck
  22. Man, I can see why you would be pissed, I would be as well. I got pulled over going 5mph in a public park just because I revved my engine and the cop said I was giong 40. WTF???? He never did give me an answer as to how he had me clocked at 40, all he did was yell and scream at me and refused to show me the proof he had that I was actually going that fast.
  23. I'm sorry to say this, but I don't like the way they look, mud flaps just don't look right on the SS. But at least they are painted to match. Wish there were some custom made that fit the lines of the SS well, I'd sure like them on mine. Oh, and the truck looks good, I remember the before pics.
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