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Posts posted by eamonnschevy

  1. lol fugly... i love it when the boast its "the fastest production truck" I love replying yep yer not wrong it is the Fastest PRODUCTION Truck, but in the world of modified trucks where'dit come then?


    i wouldn't swap my SS for one ever way to FUGLY.....and not quick enough lol

  2. i wash my truck at least once a week and wax it at least every 2nd week summer and winter, when the weather gets real bad i get a buddy who owns a detail shop to wash and wax it for me :D i also get him to clay bar the truck twice a year Spring and Fall which keeps the paint looking good...

    btw,a clean truck is a fast truck airflow goes over shiney paint better :driving:

  3. lol i've got a couple of buddys over here than have lightnings and Hardley Moving son trucks, i'm hoping to beat the stock lightnings they have been doing high 13s low 14s but theres a couple of very modded ones doing 11s so i think they'll be out of my reach, but one of the harleys pulled a 13.5 last year, i'm hoping to beat him as he owned me when i had my old LT Long bed 5.3 but i wasn't surprised... hell 5.3 long bed v superchagred modded 5.4 of course he was gonna win.. but now with 6.0 blower and the mods my truck has it might be a different story what do you guys think??

  4. what is dex cool and where do i get it? what % is the mixture if it is even mixed with water?


    DexCool is the GM Approved antifreeze... some people swear by it others hate it. i used it n my old 2000 chevy without any problems and my new SS has it but i know it MUST NOT BE MIXED WITH OTHER COLOR ANTIFREEZES.

    DexCool and has already been said 50/50 with water i used distilled water when i replaced it on my 2000, oh and its good for 100,000 miles or 5 years so they claim...

  5. i love the look of the SS Front, much tidier than regular silverado bumpers, the all one color makes it stand out better than the chrome and 2 color plastic of regular trucks,

    But if you feel it looks to cumbersome maybe some stripes thru the bumper hood etc would break it up for you a bit?

    but the best thing about moding trucks ....whatever you do.. you only have to please yourself.. good luck with whatever you decide to do


  6. It's liable to be a while before I reach 100 posts!


    Hi and welcome form the UK... I't might be sooner than you think this site can become quite addictive i Joined on 25-May 04 and lurked until the 26th November 2006 4 days before i bought my SS and i'm now on 129posts..and i'm LOVIN IT..

    really good guys on here



    Thanks for the welcome. I have to ask... How much must it cost to ship a Silverado to the UK? Petrol is a bit pricey over there as well, no?


    Shippings not to bad about £1,000 -£1,200 $2,000-$2,400 but its the taxes and dutys when it gets here that can be expensive, butto own and drive such a great truck its worth it and even after taxes and duties still much cheaper than buying from a UK Specialist dealer, i should save about $9,000 over dealer prices over here....


    Gas is about $9 a gallon but the UK Gallon is slightly bigger :D but not $6s bigger lol

    all the best you'll enjoy it here


  7. Cheers MrP that sounds much eaiser than having some made, i just couldn't find the pipes for a 05 on summit, they only went to 03, and havn't replied to my enquirey yet :(

    but no armed with the part numbers i'm good to go Thanks Buddy :thumbs:

    all the best


  8. Help please i have found a company in the UK that can make me some Braided Stainless Brake hoses, but i need to know what thred pattern is used on the SS is it NATIONAL PIPE THREAD (NPT) also i need to know the lenghts of the pipes and as i'm still waiting for the truck to arrive does anyone know the lengths of all the flexi brake pipes front and rear please..

    thanks in advance


  9. It's liable to be a while before I reach 100 posts!


    Hi and welcome form the UK... I't might be sooner than you think this site can become quite addictive i Joined on 25-May 04 and lurked until the 26th November 2006 4 days before i bought my SS and i'm now on 129posts..and i'm LOVIN IT..

    really good guys on here



  10. It seems that everything I do is wrong...Does that mean Im f**ked up in the head? I dont know what to do nomore my whole life is taking a turn to the southside..all because of my addiction to $$$$$...is this bad? do I need a psychiatrist? or do I just need to get more beer?



    From your post i'd guess you are in your teens or possibly early 20s.. don't worry 90% of people they do get over it and become normal sensible people who's lives are worthwhile....

    whats the addiction to $$$$$ about.... everyone would probably like more than they have, but its not everything.... i think i'm the richest person on the planet, I am happily married to the best woman in the world, shes my Lover my best friend and shares my love of trucks and performance, my parents both Love Me, I have great friends who offer me help and advice (even when i don't need it lol its what friends do lol) i have Dogs that are always pleased to see me..These are things that cost nothing but give you most pleasure and they will come to you sooner or later life is more than just $$$$


    now on the bad side i am disabled from a car accident i have a lower back problem, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diabetes Type 2,and use a walking stick but every morning i check the News, within a few minutes i can see 100s if not 1,000 of people who are in a worse position than me, it kinda puts everything in perspective... look around you will soon appriciate your own life with or without the $$$$$.... Life is what you make of it not how much you can spend on it..

    Beer is OK but don't let it take over.. its for recreational use only


    Hope you get yourself sorted soon buddy, try helping people less fortunate than yourself,you'd be suprised how good it can make you feel in yourself.

    good luck

    all the best


  11. I drive 130 miles each way to work so I bought a Kia (I know, I know  :cry: ) and the SS just sat in the driveway.  Also, the airline I work for isn't doing too well so I had to get some $$$ in the bank.  I do miss the hell out of it!


    The new owner is a great guy and he joined the forum as well.  I'm happy to know it went onto someone who will take care of it and continue the modding process!  :driving:



    Thanks Wes. you're a great Guy yourself i really enjoyed meeting you and yea the truck has gone to a good home (well it will have when it arrives lol) my garage looks empty without a truck parked in it.. wont be long now, i'm thinking of putting some heating in the garage for the winter months....

    and i will be taking care of it and hope to put a few more mods on once i get used to the power its already got :driving:

    possibly heads, brakes, and lower it, but first i wanna drive and enjoy it...there's gonna be some surprised cars over here soon :devil::devil:


    oh and as i've spent the savings (we were saving for a new trailer) until i found the SS LOL I've promised to replace the savings and buy my wife a new trailer this year sometime, so the mods might be later rather than sooner but what the hell its still the Fastest SS in the UK (I THINK!!) Ivan JCB on here has a 04 Arrival blue but he's not got a blower on yet


  12. Our Dogs

    Chevy And Blazer cavalier King Charles Spaniels

    Chevy is the red and white (Blenheim) and Blazer the black white and brown (Tricolor)



    and our Bearded Dragons

    Fonzie, Marilyn and Scarlett.



    Oh and my long tailed Terrier called Gator ;) lol


    and when he was younger ;) lol



    OK the last two i don't have but only coz my wife won't let me something about them being dangerous lol

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