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Posts posted by eamonnschevy

  1. I'm looking to buy a spare Belt as being in the UK, i'd rather carry a spare than wait till i need one then have to wait, the SS is my only car so i don't want it off the road for the sake of carrying a spare...


    so guys which brand is best?

    and wheres the best place to buy (SS Supporting vendors?, and if so which one? Please)


    Thanks in Advance


  2. If you look at the history of the SS badge on Chevy Trucks they tends to have a 3-4 year run using it on special trucks (either performance or visually enhanced), then wait a while before using it again..

    Trucks that i can think of which fit


    El Camino SS 1969-1972

    454 SS 1990-1994

    S10 SS 1994 -1998

    SSR 2003-2006

    Silverado SS 2003-2007


    I think its good because it makes the marque special and stand out from the other models... the new shape (2007) trucks will be due for a face lift in about 2010,, that's probably when Chevy will release a new SS Truck.

    so look after your SSS you might want to trade it for the new one in 2010 :driving:



  3. So how long did it take?


    I work on the docks here in LA/LB and was just wondering how long something like that takes on a ship? Also, where did it ship from and exactly where did it ship to?


    Shipping is the easy part, Clearing Customs both ends is what appears to take the time.. i dropped it off at the Shippers on December 4th, but due to Christmas and new year its now due to leave Miami (i've since found out that Miami are one of the hardest ports to ship from) on the 14th Jan and arrive at Thamesport London UK on the 26th Jan. then 4-6 days to clear UK Customs. so my truck will have taken about 8 weeks (but that includes 2 weeks of holidays ), most of the trucks i've imported take between 4 and 7 weeks so it's not too bad considering the time of year...

    Soon be here :D

  4. Finally got a date when my SS should be arriving in the UK.... Jan 26th then i have to wait for it to UK Customs to clear it then collect it from the docks,:driving::driving: have the SVA test :thumbs: and register it with my vanity plate :thumbs:and i'll be able to use it.. at last.. :chevy::driving::driving::chevy:

  5. the low mpg is probably due to the color.. blue red and silver all do less mpg than the black ones :lol: coz they're playing catch up with the faster black ones :D:D


    only kidding bud. i always get better gas mileage than my wife driving the same truck and i believe its due to driving style i rarely brake hard whereas my wife is very hard on the brakes, )when approaching a junction i will get off the gas where she will accelerate until almost there then brake hard) also steady acceleration away from a standing start rather than hard on the gas (unless there's something you HAVE to beat away from the lights lol) also a well tuned and regularly serviced truck always seems to get better miles per gallon..than abused rarely serviced trucks, look after your truck and it will look after you

    so watch your driving style small changes can make big differences, service and tune it regularly, and enjoy.

    i'm guessing people don't buy a SS for their great gas mileages it's a trade off for the performance and looks, if i wanted great MPG's id buy a horrid little euro/jap box, and with gas in the UK at up to $8.95 a gallon lots do...but i wont change :driving: i've been driving V8s for so many years i'm addicted lol..

    anyway get yer truck serviced watch the way you drive and good luck in getting better MPG's

    all the best


  6. Like everyone else has said Black looks Great when its Clean

    But it can be hard work keeping Black Trucks clean, but wouldn't even consider a different color, (my last 3 trucks have been Black)but i do have a buddy who owns a detailing shop and i get discounts on details and products,(i have an awesome detailing kit polishes and products for every part of my truck, i even use cotton buds on my air vents,:uhoh: Don't know if i should have admitted that :dunno: )

    Anyway all the SSS are fast and all look great in my opinion,

    Black, Blue, Red or Silver. AWD, 2wd or Intimidator ......

    so long as its an SS IT ROCKS :flag::driving:

  7. I guess i should post this here too.. i know is a :repost: i put it in the stay safe thread also,Anyway..



    Every New Years Eve the Fairy of Joy visits the Earth and

    Whoever she hits with her Magic Wand


    Recieves Health, Happiness and Great Sex


    May she beat the living shit out of you All in 2007.



    All the Best and thanks for all your help in 2006 and heres to a great 2007 :thumbs:


  8. Yea Guys Stay Safe and don't do anything stupid or you'll miss the Fairy of Joy....



    Every New Years Eve the Fairy of Joy visits the Earth and

    Whoever she hits with her Magic Wand


    Recieves Health, Happiness and Great Sex


    May she beat the living shit out of you All in 2007.



    All the Best


  9. they should have broadcast it on pay per view, i'd have subscribed to watch him swing....


    HANGING was the best way to deal with him, in Iraq hanging is a Dishonour the worst way to die under muslim law, no martyrdom for saddam, no heaven for saddam no virgins waiting for him.. he was killed like a common criminal.

    which is what he was...a murderer responsible for thousands of peoples deaths.

    ROT IN HELL sadam hussein.





    NOW WHERE IS osama binladen he's next!!!!!!!

  10. well 2006 was a good year for me i'd lurked on here for ages, mostly checking the for sale rooms waiting for the right SSS, As soon as i'd got a buyer for my old 5.3 LT and i'd bought my SS from a member on here i started posting, everyone has been helpful and made me feel welcome, which as i'm a Brit i wasn't too sure how you'd all react to a Limey, but its been good, i'm now looking forward to 2007 and enjoying my SS over here,

    Thanks Guys Girls

    from your Friend in the UK.




    BTW any of you guys in the services posted in the UK at Lakenheath, Mildenhall or Feltwell??? I live quite close (about 60miles) , we go to The Independence Day celebrations at USAF feltwell every year, and would like to meet any SS members

  11. I would if we had any snow or my truck was here :tear: i'm still waiting for it to arrive, it will probably snow the day i collect it from the docks, so i'll need to wash underneath when i get home, in the UK they throw tons of salt on the roads, as the government don't think we can drive...but then the UK does seem to come to a complete standstill as soon as there's a light dusting of snow...so maybe their right..



    roll on my trucks arrival...can't wait to get driving it snow rain or sunshine i just wanna drive it again

  12. i used to think i'd like a regular cab SS (in fact i almost cloned a reg cab truck in to my own idea of a SS but then i bought a ext cab and the extra space is a god send, best thing Chevy ever built enough room for occasional passengers but no big enough to have folks wanting long lifts lol..call me selfish lol..


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