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Everything posted by sswolfpac

  1. i bet the farm on bears, 3 lines F-IN grossman cost me big,, should have put in griese
  2. so if i have extended warranty im ok, hopefully
  3. 13\16 not bad i wont be fooled
  4. very nice,, they should play at halftime at the superbowl
  5. :cheers: nice mark, welcome to the postwhore club
  6. force five , mighty man and yuk, shazaam,abbott and costello,banana splits
  7. sswolfpac


    hit it twice sorry
  8. sswolfpac


    lidell had him in the first, dont know why they keeped it going, but tito didnt bring his A game, but i still like lidell better
  9. HAPPY NEW YEAR be safe im stayin home hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck ss ers
  10. sswolfpac


    i hope the iceman kicks tito 's asss
  11. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. i was born in 71 was little at the time, but around 78-80 i remember all of that , brings it all back . kids today got it easy, too many laws , they should try what we went through bet they all cry
  13. me likey too , whats up mark, how r u lol
  14. i hear ya my old friends were like that, they ask to borrow and when you ask for it back they make you feel bad bout asking for it anyway, also you are right when you need somethin they are busy but when they need somethin you make it a must to be there, one of my old friends was like that, cause no one else was around i was the one as soon as somethin better came by it was seeya till all that bs wore off and then i was of importence whatever i learned the hard way if they can do that to you now it will be all the time i wrote em all off and went my own way good luck to ya and do what is right for you not them, you can always make new friends
  15. and the verdict is in, dont touch it, i asked the same ? and got the same routine, raise your beers/ MAN LAW
  16. me too ,find all my old friends on there thats it
  17. the madden cuurse, i luv madden but whoever is on the cover, has abad year, i think alexander is , and he has had a bad year to, few bad things happen to him,
  18. always near the holidays ya hear this,, sorry man keep your head, good luck to ya, we are all here for ya
  19. i saw it incredible, smart to buy and sell, but what bout us who really want for kids, you pay double, not fair in my book
  20. was coming home from the store, bout to make a left hand turn when i see a ram 1500 silver, it had side skirts, looked more like a body kit, turbo hood, big tail and v-tech on the windshield, it was an asian driving, cause here in lowell ma, they are getting away from their rice mobiles,and invading the truck scene, not to affend anyone on here but i think it was very funny, mostly they are getting rams, few have chevy's but mostly rams and titans
  21. sorry to hear that, hope it all works out for you good luck
  22. nice looks like mine, good job
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