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Everything posted by Bonj87

  1. now i gotta find someone to do this work. i dont think i have the ability to do that.. someone who wont cost me an arm and a leg...
  2. fast4popper, how long would it take to put in an amp for the rears? and im seriously asking if you're gonna be in IL,or WI in the near future?
  3. the shelter said they'd check on my online application.. i think they come out and check out our house and meet us and stuff right?
  4. oh great.. just what i need.. an expensive tranny repair
  5. fast4popper..coming to IL soon? i need an amp installer
  6. ok i got one installed tonight. too bad they dont just drop in. i had to drill 4 small holes and use some sheet metal screws to hold it in place. that said, remember im using the avic d3, and the pac interface for the bose amp the one speaker i put in doesnt sound much better than stock, and when pushed a bit, it distorts im ASSUMING this is because of the bose amp? if i put in my sony amp, should they sound tons better?? if so, i gotta find someone to install the amp..
  7. sorry about that.. i think its my tranny... goes away if i slow down, or if i tap the gas..goose the truck real quick and let off..then it stops for about 2 seconds, then starts up again
  8. thanks.. its been a LONG road, and TONS of .. well.. i guess soul searching to see if i wanted another one. i hope i get her!! ill have to drive to MI to pick her up.. maybe ill stop by zippy on the way to get a shift kit LOL
  9. ok.. i think ive finally made up my mind! Im going to get another puppy!!! i found one that looks so much like Jingles, i almost fell off my chair. http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displa...i?petid=9222886 i filled out the application.. and im just waiting to hear.
  10. Bonj87


  11. SOLD! I mean BOUGHT! LOL i dont want to clip the stock speaker wires.. do i need an adapter, before i pull the doors apart to install these? great condition by the way.. showed up this morning.
  12. its annoying.. is there a cure?
  13. Bonj87


    aging is one thing.. this is something else. i swore i thought she might have AIDS or something.. she looked rather ematiated.
  14. Bonj87


    watching la ink wtf happened to jenna jameson? she's skin and bones, and had too much collegen put in her lips she looks like a hoowahh now.. just looks horrible sorry for the rant..
  15. if anyone is, pm me, or email me [email protected] im working on my PA and could use some advice
  16. my gramp's 1970 lesabre has a 455 in it, and i can have it for 600 bucks from alabama.. but i cant get it up here..
  17. so im coming home down caton farm road in joliet.. traffic heavy, and i get next to this black lightening with this bald headed jerk ass looking guy inside. i pass him and gas it a bit.. he finally gets time to move and he revs it loud.. he just happens to get further ahead in traffic. we start getting close to the light, where we could have been face to face... and he decides to turn right. if it were me.. id go out of my way for a little action... this lard butt ran... ford fears chevy!!!
  18. ok im driving home today and i finally got sick of this whirring sound im hearing. when im up to speed, and i just barely hold the accelerator down, i can hear this WHIRRRRRRR from the engine. i thought maybe it was my K&N tubes being loose and im hearing an air leak. i get home, re tighten everything, go for a short ride, and I still hear it. is it a normal sound?? anyone else hear this?
  19. LOL go take his support beams away LOL
  20. yep called them.. that's his parents. they were kind enough to give me his phone number its 307-257-2950 i should call out the O and A pests on this guy.. he bought my name from a listing company.!!!! WTF!!! how is that possible since im not on any lists!??!?? i left that company a scathing phone message and send a NASTY email to them.
  21. now, im used to a bit of junk mail, but this takes the cake... i got a letter in the mail today, and inside it was some get rich quick crap.. basically attempts at a scam. a pyramid scheme, etc what beats all is that the envelope has my name and address as a sticker, but this guys full name and address WRITEEN OUT by hand!!!!! i want to find this guy's phone number and call him and bitch him out.. WTF i dont have magazine subscriptions.. the only mail i get is generally bills.. how the F did this guy get my contact info?? considering ive only been in this house for just over a year.. what gives??? his full name is Dustin Kalpin 2003 Plumcreek Ct. Gillete, WY 82716 how can i find his phone number??
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