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Everything posted by Texas_Veteran

  1. What branch do / did you serve in? I have been in the Marine Corps for 7 years and have done one tour in Afghanistan and three to Iraq.
  2. I remember that day very vividly. Once the towers were hit, I knew that I wasn't going to be sticking around for too long. I was with my family in Texas when it happened and was called back to NC to deploy ASAP. To make a long story short, I ended up in Afghanistan with the 26TH MEU (Marine Expiditionary Unit) We were the first unit to start dropping bombs all over the taliban that were dug in around Kandahar airfield. I spent 9 months on that deployment. I remember seeing that guy John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban get the shit kicked out of him by a Marine. He was yelling and screaming at the guards as he was being led away, saying that all Americans should die. Next thing he knew he was waking up. One very big Marine had enough of his mouth and shut it for him. He deserved it. I'm very proud to be an American and I love that I am a Marine. I wish that we didn't have to suffer throught that horrible day 5 years ago. May God bless everyone that was lost on that day and their families.
  3. At least that guy was honest. He made a mistake, is owning up to it and doing the right thing. Hope that everything is taken care of for you.
  4. No, I would not fire either of them if they were productive employees. If at all possible I would do my best to separate their working areas if they worked with each other. I'm not a lawyer by any means, but I don't think that your boss can legally force either of them to resign.
  5. Of course I will be pulling for Texas!
  6. My wife just read that article and busted up laughing. She doesn't agree with it, and called it a load of crap!!! When I told her that I was the master of this domain, she just laughed and patted my head and said as she was laughing, "Sure you are. Trash needs to be taken out." Damn!
  7. Thanks man! We need to have another g2g so we can snap some pics <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sounds good to me!
  8. He wasn't even an active Marine at the time. This just proves the old Marine Corps saying of "Once a Marine, always a Marine! Semper Fidelis
  9. Congrats on your SSS. Sounds like you got a great deal on it.
  10. That would be awesome to roll around Baghdad with that thing up there. With that we wouldn't have to have anyone standing in the turret. I can see myself now, " Ok, you Iraqi little punk.. You want to throw some rocks at us, Now I have a little present for you." Damn that would be great...
  11. To be asked to build something for the SEMA show is amazing. Good job. I cant wait to see what you put together for the MTX vehicle.
  12. Thats a good one! I love messing with telemarketers when they call me. Another joke for my inventory.
  13. Congrats you lucky mofo. Damn, I wish I had your kind of luck.
  14. What an A$$hole.. He deserves to go to prison and get a$$ raped for the rest of his life.
  15. Very sad to hear that you lost your friend. My prayers are with his family. I almost lost my best friend due to his stupidity. He was racing a Corvette on his motorcycle and lost control while going through a curve. He bailed off of his bike and hit a guardrail. The cops figure that when he lost control and hit the guardrail his body was traveling at 120+ MPH. He is so lucky to be alive. He is paralyzed from his chest down and can't move the right side of his face. Someone from above was looking out for him that day.
  16. With the Camaro coming back, I think it would be about time to trade my wife's Jetta in.
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