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Posts posted by Z4pp

  1. Ok... so i screwed something up.. i installed my amp / subs / radio..... but now my driver side windows won't go up. The passenger side windows go up... but the drivers side don't. (i have a crew cab).


    Both Drivers Side Windows WON"T MOVE (they are currently down). Yet.. both passenger side windows will go up and down all day... :(

    Anyone have ANY idea what i can do to fix this issue?

    And if you say check the fuses... tell me which ones to check.


    Thanks guys

    and i already un-did everything that i did today... still no luck... :shakehead:



    fuses or you fried the motors :[

  2. well ive got it on the road. put about 30 miles on it so far. cleaned it up and put some new gas in itt. im throwing a few codes right now p1516 and p0103 so i need to figure these out. but it seems to be runnin gok besdies that.


    Hows the power feel? Is it all there?

  3. no, it's a Muncie 4 speed :) I'll see exactly whats wrong with it soon and hopefully be able to decide if the tranny is something i wanna repair or bite the bullet and buy a T56... :dunno:


    Bite that bullet hard :] 6 speed in a muscle car :] thats nice right there :]

  4. Wow, a celebrity gets drunk, so lets post the video on the net.


    I hope the daughter wasn't the one who posted it, if so, I don't feel sorry for her.


    Exactly who cares! Just because hes famous hes supposed to be perfect? and be immune to alcohol? Who cares is what I say. :ughdance:

  5. My crx vs civic hatchback





    We have the same motors, but he has a tranny with shorter gearing and a stage 3 clutch and it seems to help him a lot, even though i'm about 200 lbs lighter!


    I just fixed my crx, I annihilated the old clutch, there was no ceramic left on the disc what-so-ever and there was this fuzz inside the pressure plate, I think its the ceramic lol.





    Here's my friend trying to have sex with my crx... :[





    haha :] fun with my 4 cylinder.

  6. sounds like your living in the ghetto. :crackup: if that happens alot around there, i'd advise you to get a nice little glock or something.


    Nah, the good parties are always in the ghetto though so I always wander over to the east side :]

    But yeah, I think i'm just going to stop drinking lol I keep trying but peer pressure and not having to drive changes my mind pretty quick. According the friends the dude who did it was about my size, so I probably would have had a good chance sober. Meh another day I guess. :banghead:

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