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Everything posted by kissfans03ss

  1. Dont listen to those guys they dont know what their talking about,leave it alone i like the looks of those trucks on 4by frames.Did you do it yourself or did you buy it like that and how hard to do the conversion?
  2. Now i have guzzled water before and man talk about pressure on your gut,it feels like shes gonna blow.Iheard this girls stomach was so expanded it looke like she was 3 months pregnant.
  3. Hey guys,i was wondering if anyone heard about the woman who drank to much water and died?,apperantly a radio show held contest called hold your wee for a wii in which you dont pee till theres one winner,apperantly the contestants would drink 8oz of water every 15 min. finally moving up to bigger bottles.During the contest listeners called in warning about possible wter intoxication death but the wrnings were laughed of for the most part exept for a few contestants who quit the contest.The woman who died was complaining of real bad headaches the whole time,she apperantly died later that day at her home.
  4. whos in charge of keeping that monster clean?
  5. make sure you check that timing chain,if i remember that car has a cranck sensor and if the chain is sloppy can cause starting and running problems,also i dont remember if it was the 3.1 or the 3.8 they used to blow head gaskets other than that i loved those gm cars.good luck.
  6. sweet,did you get very dizzy doing those spins?
  7. I truly miss that scenery,we have had no snow at all this year and its killing me,i want snow damn it.
  8. I am not decided but always thought i"d be buried even though cremation is the cheaper way to go,on a sadder note i heard its illegal to spread asses in the ocean or a lake,i think they call it polluting but what no one knows wont hurt them right.
  9. benny when you said martin bros. did you mean the bros. have now ventured into car and truck wheels also,if its the same guys dont they make motorcycles?.
  10. for the most part i understand caddy to be a great car i just cant believe all of this guys problems and yeah gm should already have given him a new car,its called keeping a customer.
  11. damn man thats a lot of posts
  12. Damn dude when you go you go all the way,sorry to hear about the motor but it will all turn out good in the end,good luck bro.
  13. I prefer it to the stock look and its nice to finally see some of the aftermarket mods that are available for the truck.
  14. Well i guess you cant say that we didnt warn you about that one.
  15. I believe AUTOGUY had those on his truck.
  16. thanks for the info boys you guys saved me some searching.
  17. Funny i thought only 2 things come from texas,steers and queers,lol,lol,sorry had to say it and yes that line is olllllld.I do believe that sliding tool box is an after market option from chevrolet,at least thats what howie long said.
  18. I'm with Chase i missed the fantastic four but the movies in my opinion arent living up to their reputation,Batman begins was the best of all the batman movies,spiderman i didnt care for much althought the new one looks good with vemon and unfortunately Johnny says flame on every time he flames on.I hope robert downy does iron man some justice because that character is underrated.
  19. My buddy and i have a mutual friend who went to the int.boat show in new york lastyear bought a raffle ticket for 50 bucks and won a mid 80s race boat totally redone,and sponsorship for a year to race in fla. and if he does well there is an option for more sponsorship.The way i understand it if his boat is in fla. and he is here in conn.all he has to do is make a phone call and he is flown down by private helicopter.Nice huh all that for 50 bucks.
  20. Guys i was just curious about our awd trucks,the other day i was making a wide left pulling out of a parking lot a decided to snap the throttle and a funny the happened my truck started coming aroun on me,is this possible with awd and a damp road(it had rained an hour before).I dont think they should come around on us but you never know.
  21. Hey mister thats a mighty fine weiner you got there
  22. Here in conn.there talking 3 days of cold wet weather.
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