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Everything posted by punkt71

  1. Not to get off topic here... but the new 335i blows the doors off of a lot of cars.. 0-60 in 4.8sec, 12.8-13.1 1/4 mile STOCK. Even the new 535i does 0-60 in 5.4sec and the 1/4 in 13.2seconds... or less. The new M3 will have 414HP and will be running low low low 12's in stock form. Anyways, back to the Viper thing, if I spent more than 70K on a car I want it to turn heads! I think deep inside we all do, and we know it... or we would drive Titans instead of SS's and focus only on the seats and interior of the car..lol. I dont want to drive something that people would look at and say "gee... he spent 75K on THAT?" I want the car to LOOK as expensive as it drives... the complete package. Not saying the Vette doesnt look completely badass... but just not as badass and exotic as the Viper.. thats all my point is. Mechanically the Z06 has the edge, but lets all admit... if you saw a 07 Z06 going down the road next to an 08 Viper (shown in the pic in the post) and you polled 100 people (car enthusiasts and non enthusiasts) I am sure 80% of them would rather be driving the Viper if they had the choice. The performance of the Z06 is just not that much better for the average driver, we are talking split seconds of differences here and there that only professional drivers can even accomplish on a closed course... and who knows... the 08 Viper may just beat it there too! And Adam- I know the 300s are the same story... but I bought a 300c SRT8 because my budget was less than $50K for a new ride, because I cant afford a Z06 or Viper. If I had 70-80K in my budget...and based off of the current Z06 and Vipers out on the dealer lots NOW, I would buy a Z06 in a heartbeat! But this post is directed at the new 600HP Viper so....
  2. Yeah I figured out it was my flash player after it worked fine on my laptop but not my PC... installed Firefox and it worked fine.
  3. ok ok ... whos the cool guy with the train horns??? ive been wanting to do that forever!
  4. I think some of you guys are missing the Corvette vs Viper argument here.. no doubt the vette is a BAD ASS car... and it can run 7 second quarter miles and have 1 BILLLION horsepower or whatever.... but let not forget Civics and Ford Focuses have been built up in the past to run 7 and 8 second quarter miles too. Thats not the point i was trying to make earlier... I think the Viper has an exotic look, and feel... and even non 'car people' are more likely to turn their domes and check out your ride because it has the Ferrari and Lambo style and appeal. I think no doubt the vette is a badass car, and the Z06 is more of a modern day supercar compared to the viper mechanically, but I think Chevy needs to up the ante and have their flagship editions such as the Z06 and SS "blue devil" models look more flashy and exotic when trying to compete in the high end sports car market. With prices ranging from 75K (Z06) to possibly over $100K... they need to make a massive jump exterior wise to make it worth it and compare to the Viper in not only the performance area, but the visual appeal. If not, why not just buy a C6 and throw some TT's on it, beef up the suspension and some other crap and you can have something that is probably just as quick as the Z06 and can possibly look better without spending $30k + more for a Z06? The Viper doesnt have a cheaper brother that you can modify... its what it is, and only the people who can afford one can have one so you wont see a lot of people with them. Hell my 23yr old friend just bought a 2007 C6 and my neighbor just bought his daughter an 06 C6 for graduating... lets see that happen with a Viper. HP doesnt sell a vehicle completely for me. Thats why I bought a 300C SRT8 and not a C6 ... although it was a tough decision!
  5. One thing about the new Viper vs a new Z06 is that the Viper will turn heads going down the street... I see 100 Corvettes a day, and the Z06's do not look much different.. i see at least 1 Z06 a day and I have to look hard to notice it compared to a regular vette. The Viper will ALWAYS turn heads and has a true 'exotic' look and gets the attention like one IMO
  6. Hate to say this... but it looks like the Z06 has been taken down! (until the SS version maybe)
  7. Just wondering why they are chillen at a dealership, and not in your driveway/garage making your neighbors jealous!?!?!
  8. Haha i figured he was trying to do an AWD burnout.. but how can you think you are going to spin tires that have the parking brake set on them? Thats why I was thinking he was trying to spin the front maybe? Whatever it is he is a complete fukstick
  9. If thats the case the cops will just laugh at that point and not do anything
  10. Hawaii is sick..... too bad you have to drive around with RAINBOWS on your license plate when you live there though... thats the main reason I wouldnt live there.. serious
  11. Damn I was gonna say... it was making a lotta noise but not going anywhere.. haha. Then I saw your post and it made sense.. Have you been WOT yet in the new setup?? Or are you just waiting to get tuned? It sounds bad ass already man
  12. First off I believe its called a 'cell' phone.. not cel.. lol.. Second thing is you could: A. Call the police and let them know of the number. They wont do shit, because it requires them to do more than the simple paperwork. They will fill it in a report, and hopefully someone will look at it and investigate it. By that time, the 'burglar' will probably be moved because of the 'moving furniture' ad gives the fact away that he was probably moving this weekend. Thats too much work to locate the new address of the guy because cops like to bust people on hard evidence.. something 8 yr old kids can process... they dont care about something like this, this isnt CSI Miami. B. Locate his address and kick the living shit out of the guy, and handle business the good old fashioned way. Have some buddies with you, and start throwing bricks through different windows of his house at about 3am, bust in there like the swat team, and break every goddamn piece of bone in his soon to be corpse. C. Do nothing and let him practice the saying 'Can you hear me now' on YOUR f'in dime while he takes pictures of him and his manboobs in a mirror using your camera phone for posting on Myspace. I choose choice B.
  13. I am just wondering what he was trying to accomplish.... ??? Was he trying to get the front wheels to burnout or something? This guy is presidential material.. I am sure 51% of the country would vote for him if he was to run!
  14. Vids dont work for me.. (yes I used the second set of links posted by Black2003ss) .. Maybe it has something to do with I am using Internet Explorer 7 on Windows Vista.. some sites are not fully working with it yet. Anyone else have a problem? I dont feel like spending a bunch of time troubleshooting it right now
  15. This is no joke, I would give my testicle to someone for a Z06. Shit, I would even negotiate the entire sack and a Razor Scooter for one.
  16. Forget about the small door ding on the side, why the HELL would you replace the stock SS rims for those? Whoever pointed out the rims made me realize those things would normally be seen on a Winnebago !!
  17. Yeah the guy who owned it said to me that he was going to have a Paintless Dent repair guy fix it when he got some extra cash.... jk
  18. Saw it in a parking lot the other day in Lake Forest... does this belong to anyone here?
  19. Theres a good chance some **** that lives in the same apartment complex did it to you. When you meet him/her please find the nearest blunt object and proceed to duplicate the damage done to your bumper to their face.
  20. I know the RAM SRT-10 RC's have manual trannys (T56?) so what type of clutch/pressure plate/flywheel are they using? Some of those guys are supercharged running like 600-800HP and their clutches hold up pretty well. Is it because they weigh less than an SS? (not by much though) There has to be some type of GM pressure plate that they use in the manual Allison trannies or something that you could use I would think...
  21. Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt clutch chatter with high performance clutches normal? I used to have a '97 Mitsubishi Eclipse Turbo ... massive turbo/fuel/intercooler that put down 487HP to the wheels on 110 race gas.. ran a 11.4 @132 mph (severely traction limited) and I remember my clutch chattered like crazy when starting from a stop. The guys who worked on my car (Road Race Engineering) had told me every race clutch will chatter because it slips less and just grabs... he told me the less 'pucks' the more chatter and less smoothness. I dont remember the rest of it, but I am just going off of memory and not any type of real knowledge... lol. I think you need to get a Semi truck clutch.. those guys pull shit loads of weight and have 1500-2000ft lbs of torque.. hahahahah
  22. HOLY SHIT That is one of the cleanest black SS's I have seen... actually one of THE cleanest SS's period. What the hell do you use to wax your truck.. whats the secret? I just got a black car now and I want it to look as clean as that!!!!
  23. Looks sick dude! You need to find the guy Dylan used to fill in those asscracks on the side so it looks nice and flush !!
  24. Sorry to hear about your truck getting broken into... As for a phone.. arent you an IT guy? An IT guy needs a Treo.. if you have Verizon get the 700wx... thats what I have and its badass. Stay away from the 700w .. hardly any memory and is slow as shit. RAZRs are for girls
  25. punkt71

    SRT8 cherokee

    Yeah the SRT DiabloSport tuners are already posting +20HP to the wheels on the dyno sheets for the 6.1 ... I think that will be my only mod for a while
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