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Posts posted by jluedeke

  1. I work in a little town north of Columbus Ohio called Sunbury. I was out to lunch in a town south of Sunbury called Galena, and as I was sitting outside on the patio enjoying my lunch I heard a deep rumbling sound. As I turned my head to see what kind of vehicle was rolling through this little town I about Shat myself. This was a brand spankin new (I'm guessing a concept/prototype) Silverado SS Corvette edition. I couldn't believe it. After I saw it I instantly started to research this and I could not find anything except this http://www.wichitaracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44187


    I have no idea why this truck was cruising through Galena, Ohio but it did and it was UN-REAL! The SSS had the same body style as in the pics in the link but was proudly sporting a Corvette Badge on the tailgate. I know nothing more about this. It all happened so fast. I had about a 20 second glance at this beast with my own eyes.


    I will setting up a booth in Columbus next week for those of whom would like to touch me. I did see it with my own eyes in REAL life.

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