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Everything posted by sleepingcrna

  1. Merry Christmas Gary !! Fly safe and when you're around again, give me a shout. We'll be gone after the weekend, but let me know when you're back around again. Maybe a mini-gtg will be in order again before the Nationals...
  2. Never had any real problems with it Brian. Loved the truck, as u know, right up until it burned to the ground...and even then. So much so that parts are worth ressurecting. This has been great learning, at a price. Just really glad it's in Jerrys hands. He was there to answer questions for me on the SS I bought before yours. He's top notch. Helped me when he had no financial incentive. Using him now is my payback to him. Cheers !
  3. Amanda, was Shaun's high school knickname Rich ?? Any updates on how things are going. Looks like many caring and concerned members would like to know if it's not too much to ask. You know, just trying to help.
  4. That's rediculous !!! I love it. My son is 9 months old now. If i start saving now for a black one with some performance mods i might be able to hook him up by age 3. Where do you get one of these?
  5. What are you looking for? I have a GM trifold I may part with. Otherwise it may help if you narrow the search.
  6. I loved the look of mine when I had them. Good luck with the sale. Good price shipped !
  7. Mod money, a new transmission by Jerry, world peace, and this chic !
  8. I'm down. Got family on both ends of the state.
  9. Congrats Brian. Looking forward to seeing it in person.
  10. I got a text and pm from him late last week. Imagine his head spinning from all the pm's. I'll try to text him today and see if he's been back on the site or what's up.
  11. Yeah Ray mentioned the parts lady also. Theres a story about that all over the net. Out of business, name changes, etc. Evidently was a good seller at one time but no longer an option. I'll keep looking for the z06 but def look at the sport calipers. Thanks alot guys. Btw, got a great deal on rotors, it's the calipers that are turning out to be a kick in the sack.
  12. As for the FFL, got a web addy, www.gunbroker.com/FFL/DealerNetwork.aspx . Drop in your zip code and up pops a list of local FFL holders willing to do it for a small fee. And as far as the acog scope goes, still interested in any info any of you might have if you have experience with them. Thanks
  13. Sounds like Rudy91040 is the man. Very straight up guy. Looking forward to ordering them when the time is right.
  14. I have 2 questions for anyone that can help: 1. I want to buy a handgun online, but need a dealer to send an email or fax of their FFL to the gun shop. Having always bought my guns without the need for and FFL, how do i go about finding someone that'll do this reasonably. I can't imagine a local gun shop not charging me a shit ton of money to do it since i didn't pay their overinflated prices for the same gun. And how much should it cost me to have someone do it for me? 2. I have an opportunity to buy a Trijicon Acog scope used, not sure how long and the details aren't all in yet, but doesn't seem like a bad price with the limited reasearch i've already done. Any thoughts on these and average used prices? Going on a BM AR-15. Thanks for any help. Mike
  15. My problem isn't having a second vehicle to drive. It's staying out of the SS. I just enjoy driving it too much.
  16. I think my initial thought was the same as most will have....WTF !!!!!! Congrats on the new home. I'd love to park mine all winter.
  17. Look, let me make this simple statement, then if the seller wants to say something have at it, then lets put this to bed. I have a problem with the fact that he told me, in his exact words via PM on the GMFS site, "You are first on the list, so you have dibs". He also includes the paypal addy. I told him i'd take care of it in 20 min. Nothing more said until he says "it's sold, sorry". If i knew he was full of shit, i'd have dropped everything i was doing and got him paid....which is a mistake i won't make again. Simple fact is, he has no class and didn't follow through on his word. If you see it any differently, then we just have a different set of morals. Brian put the pressure on him and he caved in to it. Congrats to Brian for some sweet exhaust. Again, its only exhaust. Just a little advice, if you want to sell something and don't want to hold it for even a minute, say it up front.....If i don't see paypal in 10 min, it goes to the next guy for example. Be a man of your word. Now, after CBR gets his word lets drop it.
  18. Yeah, i hear that too. Well, whenever you get a chance to look, that would be great. I'm not in a huge hurry, just trying to get parts collected in hopes that when the right time shows up this spring, i can get to work. But, it would be a nice winter project. Thanks a lot for looking.
  19. As i stated, Brian has a gift and managed to get this guy to sell the exhaust to him after CBR told me i had dibbs. Guess i should've jumped through my ass for him and got him the money that very second. Shows a complete lack of class, that's all. In the end, it's only exhaust. Not that big of a deal. Now, hopefully its a dead topic.
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