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Everything posted by jaymoney

  1. I found a new site for aftermarket parts. www.autoanything.com They have some pretty good prices. Just thought youall like to know.
  2. I think that i say let em ride. I plan on having a few myself my kids have 1 and no where to ride it.
  3. Thanks ray ill give it a shot.
  4. jaymoney


    Great times dude keep them comin.
  5. jaymoney


    Words of advice save it dont use it. If you do she will never let you forget it. Youll be 75 years old and she will bring that crap up and your ass will be sleeping in your wheel chair under the outside patio.
  6. How can i put up pictures like most of u have. Can someone tell me im lost.
  7. Oh you took the words right out of my mouth. I think the dodge guys are telling each other not to PLAY with those Double S's they will Whoop that butt.
  8. I like that idea sounds good to me. Danny i went to appleB's it was pretty good. It all ended well ifeel alot better now knowing that there are a few people here older than me and they dont have any problems with there age.
  9. jaymoney


    Thats some funny shit. I dont think i will try that because i kind of like sleeping in my bed.
  10. Im with zippy on that Oh so sweet kill.
  11. How can i contact a member without posting it on the main pages.
  12. THANKS EVERYONE I ENDED UP HAVING A GREAT BIRTHDAY. I dont feel any older I went to dinner with my family and they made me feel young. Jason
  13. Im thinking of goin the 295 route i think they would be perfect. Thats my 2 cents
  14. I say great kill anytime you can lay the smack down on a dodge i say especially a v10 awesome. That thing has 2 more cylinders and has 500 hp. We dont have that kind of power. With a blower i think were still a little short but still beat em
  15. Well Im getting old it sucks. I dont feel that old but im 31 today. My wife and kids are gonna take me to dinner. I did order my pacesetters cool b-day present. Just thought i would share this with youall. I guess ill go check for some gray hairs now
  16. I wouldnt know. If i were u i would set it and drive it and keep bumping them around until you get it where u want it. I did this with mine it took about 10 runs down a back road until i got it where i wanted it.
  17. Taw i just ordered my pacesetters. Did you bypass the sensors or did you use them.
  18. I would get a TBTC and long tube headers that is what im gonna do soon. You can put in a 160 thermostat. I will also put a supercharger because that is where the real power is.
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