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Everything posted by vmax2fast

  1. vmax2fast


    all those factors should have been weighed by mr. mopar before challenging!
  2. any way the tap shift on the 06 and newer duramax's can be integrated into our trucks and work? I'm not to tech savy but I drove a buddys brand new duramax and that tap shift was BAD ASS!
  3. I work for my gpa at his 6 coin opperated car washes and yes, it will hurt your paint... Mr. P put it quite eloquently. Try to find a cheap one. We have two that the min. is 25 cents to start for fourty seconds. others are $1.50 for four min. We're pretty cheap though, but its still definitely worth it, don't want the paint peeling and fading in five years do ya?
  4. That is freaking insane!!! Leave it up to a bunch of red necks to come up with something like that... When i was like 15 I visited some of my cousins in Kansas and the stuff they would come up with blew me away, Propane filled 2 liter bottle rockets... spinnin in circles on a creeper while somebody's hanging on to your ankles in a concrete floored barn. I'm just glad i grew up in civilization, cause i'd try it all and probably would have a few less digits on a hand or be dead or somethin.
  5. Nice vid! I'm trying to find a firewire and then I got a couple to load up. Aren't the tunes amazing? When someone asks "is that thing any fast?" I just tell them "well with my foot in it it shifts into third at 85..." That usually shuts em up pretty quick
  6. HAHA Go fast tastes pretty good and has a large bottle for the same price as the small one just have to find em. Full throtle fury is my second and lastly red bull. I only drink em when i need em though, used to drink em all the time while working side jobs and buy em by the case. But then I was spending like $30 a week on energy drinks
  7. soft batch in microwave for 20 sec.
  8. I like so far... now to try the garage.......
  9. I forgot about my bowling/drinking league... Every other sat. night so its spread out, Its amazing how competitive a bunch of drunks can get. I cant figure it out though, one game I bowl 185 the next 97 Average is steadily climbing though now at 140
  10. Any noticeable gains? Do you like the sound? Looks tits!
  11. I hope Gotham city will be OK... now that batman lost his whip.
  12. No kidding! Just a phone call a couple of months later explaining how you won something, but you have to come to some hotel and "enjoy" a timeshare meeting to get your prize!!! Now thats somethin to throw some money at, beings how it was free.
  13. I Snowboard, thats all I can make time to do. I've bought a season pass (Colorado Card), Good for Breckenridge, Keystone, Arapahoe Basin, And then 10 days at Vail and Beaver Creek, for the last 14 yrs. Used to go every Sunday like church, then I had kids, bought a house, and got a truck payment The last time I went was Dec. 27 Damnit! thats a long time ago... Might have to take tomorrow off! I just took my 3 yr. old son out to my uncles ranch ( it has a huge hill on it thats covered in snow) to teach him how to ride. I took Video of it to show when he's 12 and in the Olympics or somethin. As soon as i get a firewire, I'm gonna post it. I'd love to get back into baseball, but no time. Other than that, looking forward to a flyfishing trip to the miracle mile in Wy. in April.
  14. Next mod I'd like to do is a shift kit, then exhaust someday, I like the corsa but not the price tag, waiting to here what that GMPP exhaust sounds like oh yeah, and a vmax badge on the tailgate!!! And when my tags are up this year I'm gonna change my plate to BYBYHMI or BYEHMI So then they got all the info they need as I disappear into the sunset
  15. Here's mine from camping last summer... Looked the same since I was 15
  16. The funny thing is I could be cleaning a hungry lions teeth, if my son saw me he'd say " daddy, I want to help you!"
  17. The funny thing is she knew exactly why we were driving all around denver in circles..... she likes it too just feels she needs to be the one in control
  18. I was experiencing the same thing... the dealer told me it might have to do with the parameters set whithin the first 15-30 miles of a reset. He told me to unhook negative battery cable to reset and then drive how I normaly do within the next 15-30. The next time i did this was when i installed my zippy tune which definitely solved the prob. Maybe try that first.... Then I'm with Chase!!!
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