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Everything posted by diggerdan11

  1. i just talked to a guy at the local muffler shop and he said he can move my existing muffler forward a little bit and could bend me some pipes out the side, he said it would be really easy but im not sure of the cost. He could also replace me existing Flowmaster 50 series SUV muffler with a 40 series or 44 for a decent price and it would make my truck much louder
  2. I have been really thinking about switching to a side exit exhaust, I want duals out the side right in front to the rear tire. I was just wondering what kind you guys have. Are there certain brands that are catbacks that are good, or are some of them custom jobs like taking normal dual flowmasters and sending the pipes out the side? I was just wondering what you guys have. By the way i really want to get something pretty aggressive, i would really like to scare the crap out of people when i smoke them in a race because of how lound it is (well maybe not that bad)
  3. My biggest fear of gas being at under $1 a gallon is the effects it could have in the future. Oil at this low amount will be the end of OPEC. OPEC for a long time has regulated the production of oil in order to keep the prices up, but the economy lately is dictating it differently. Most of the big oil producing countries like Russia, Venezuela, Iraq, and Iran who are socialist countries have government controlled oil industries. they use the revenue from the sale of oil in order to pay for there social programs like health care, welfare etc... But in order for these countries to pay for these programs oil has to be around $80 a barrel. Well if oil drops bellow 25 a barrel these countries will have to break away from OPEC and begin selling oil on there own. and at 25 a barrel in order for these countries to fund there social programs they will have to produce as much oil as they possibly can, which will keep the price of oil down for a long time. Even when the economy beings to turn around (which it will) oil will still stay low. Its basic Economics if these countries supply more then the prices will be lower. Now it seems like a good thing that oil is so low, im so happy that it only costs 30 bucks to fill my tank and may be as low as 20 soon. But my biggest fear like a stated earlier is the effects in the long run. The biggest point i need to make is this: There Is Not and Unlimited amount of oil and one day we will run out!!! If oil stays low we will continue to burn it like crazy, At $1 a gallon does anybody really care if there vehicle only gets like 12mpg no not really. Since gas has been dropping like crazy i have been driving my truck more and more because i figure hey it not big deal gas is cheap, before i was carpooling with my GF in her car that gets twice the millage. We need to seriously look harder into alternate fuels and different forms of combustion, because oil is not going to last forever. And the only way we as a society will work harder to beef up our alternate fuel research is if gas is $2.50 to $3 a gallon. $1 gas over an long period of time could be the end of Hybrids (dont get me wrong, i do not have much respect for hybrids, or many hybrid owners) also Hydrogen cars and even solar cars and vehicles burning on bio diesel or ethanol. $1 gas seems good for now but in the long run it could lead to many problems that i do not believe we might net be prepared for in the future Sorry about the long post but sometimes i cant shut up
  4. Crap, shows you how long its been since i have had one of those, there is no little ceasers where i live now
  5. Go KFC Im a little Bias though (soon to be KFC franchisee) although i get kind of sick of it some times. As far a Pizza goes, for me its hard to beat Little Ceasers $5 pizzas
  6. Nice Banshee, I have been thinking of trying to find one. How much did you get it for if you dont mind tellin
  7. Oh my bad now i feel like a turd. dur da dur. THe wird thing is as far i i know i did not mess with the settings. Weird
  8. so whats up with the "new SilveradoSS.Com" You cant see other peoples posts you have to click on them now to read them. Im not liking it too much, its kind of a pain in the arse. I was just on the site like an hour ago and now its totally different.
  9. Congrats, i love it when people underestimate our trucks. I raced and SRT10 Crew Cab and he only beat me by .25 seconds. and i only have a CAI, Tune, and Catback. He was shocked th thought his 500hp monster was just going to leave me in the dust
  10. congrats, with so many people getting rid of there SS's lately its always good to see someone buy one. Im starting to like that color more and more
  11. So im visiting family for thanksgiving, and i was driving home to my parents house when i saw a ford fusion weaving in and out of traffic behind me. IT was funny because i was behind a cop. After the cop turned off the Fusion sped up. The car had a couple of people in it and they were yelling and screaming, prob drunk. Anyway we stopped at a light and the kids in the car were acting like idiots so i figured i would play with them a bit. I was surprised when we took off that it actually kept up with me for a little bit before i took him by at least 4 car lengths. then i had to turn off and the driver waved at me. I was kind of surprised at how quick it was i figured i would smoke it off the line but it kept up with me for a little while. I know he was surprised i beat him, im sure he just thought i was a heavy truck. I did a little research and it was a V6 with the AWD, thats why it stayed with me for so long. They are 220hp and only way 3300 so they have a decent HP to weight ratio, and i know it was only the AWD the kept it close
  12. did it not come with instructions, it should say which wire is which, and look at your owners manual to see what colors to hook them up too. I had an issue when i hooked the break light up, sometimes only half of the light bar would light up, so i re wired the break light to the third break light which i think is a light blue wire but not sure
  13. I have one of those superfast matchbox cars, my GF got it for me last Christmas. ITs stilll in the package and will never come out, i think it is sweet
  14. Yeah they are def clear, and i knew that when i bought them. I have been thinking about taking them apart and hitting the the lenses with smoke pain, i think that may look good
  15. I would have to say no. Yes we may be the second generation chevrolet ss truck, but the 454 ss was not a Silverado. So our Silverado SS's are the first generation Silverado SS
  16. I have those and i love the look of them, the only problem i have they fog up bad. but i drilled a couple holes and now they still fog up but then it goes away, the fog use to stay for a long time.
  17. Yeah I bought a pare of stock 16s that came from 99-02 silverado. I payed 150 for all four, check your local wheel and tire store sometimes you they will have some and give you a good deal thats what id did
  18. i use to have the same bulbs in my DRL and liked them but they fade verry fast and then they look kinda goofy with the HIDs
  19. I Know what we should do. THis guy should be striped naked, and then have his nutz stapled to a stump and then set the lump on fire and see what happens! People like that make me sick
  20. I like it, its not to different just a little more aggressive looking. I cant believe it says its only going to be 315 hp V8. The SS Camaro will run circles around it, Shoot the V6 camaro with minor upgrades could run circles around it.
  21. Yeah thats very true. Im originally from Klamath and there are lots of Rednecks there and lots of enthusiasts. There are 2 other SS's in Klamath and they use to wave at me all the time. both of the guys are in the Air Guard and work at the base. Living on the coast there are lots of hippies or broke ass people who dont car The funny thing about that is i have had more SRT-10 owners and Lightning owners wave at me then SS owners. Most of the people who take an interest in my truck are other chevy owners most of who drive lifted chevys. There is a chance i might be moving to Tucson, AZ in the next few months. We will see if the SS owners down there have a little more respect
  22. So first off let me just say that i have always just assumed that everyone who owns a performance truck like our SS's has the same love for there truck that i do. They are driving a performance machine because thats what they love to do. I just always figured that everyone who owns a performance truck also had the same respect for other performance truck enthusiasts that i have. Why would you buy a performance truck if you really dont care that its a performance truck and you treat it like it was just plain ol normal truck. I rarely get the opportunity to see other SS's here in Oregon, there are not that many. There not the most popular of trucks because on the AWD or 2WD, most people around here own trucks so they can use them like trucks and get them dirty and beat up. I use my truck like a truck more then many of you guys on the forum, but i have enuf respect and passion for my truck that i will not do anything that could cause permanent damage. Anyway like i was saying, i do not get to see many SS's around here. I went on a little trip for just a day. I had to drive to Portland for a meeting, and i was completely amazed that on this short trip i got to see 3 different SS's. The first one was in my town, it was a black one i drove up next to it and honked my horn and waved. And of course the guy who was driving looked at me like i was an idiot and was probably thinking who the hell is this crazy guy honking his horn and waving. The next SS i saw was outside of Portland, It was blue and had a rack on it like those ones that carpenters and shit have on there trucks, the truck was also all scratched to hell and dirty, which made me angry, i did not wave at that guy . Then on my way home i cam up next to one in Eugene. It was silver and had a canopy on, i pulled up next to it and honked and waved. The driver had to have been in his 70s and he flipped me off when i honked and waved at him. Im starting to loose my faith in SS owners, like i said before i always thought they were all like me and had the same passion for there truck as i do. I have seen a couple other SS's before that did wave at me or give me the thumbs up, i guess i was just not so lucky this time. Any of you guys had problems like this before? Met or seen any SS owners that are completely oblivious to what they have? Sorry about the long post
  23. sweet lookin truck, Im starting to like the Arival Blue more and more, and i sometimes wish i had one insted of black, only sometimes
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