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Posts posted by ZZebes

  1. First off, H8R i presented my statements as OPINION and sid as such in my post. also, i never have stated that my truck can beat anything alive in fact in its current state its not. But i have never been shy to admit if i am wrong, i know what i know and peple know more than me. thats how we learn. I will be the first to admit that my knowladge of Big Block motors is limited at best. and i am learning when it comes to small blocks. You came into this thread wit an attitude and not being proffesional about it and took it as a personal vendetta of sorts when all you had to do was simply state yur disagreement. and at the end of the day, arguing on the internet is pointless. so we all need to chill and get our heads back on.

  2. Where the hell d you get off calling anybodies knowledge out, for the love of god man all i was trying to do was smother a situation before it got out of hand but you and your 3 year old mind had to have the last god damned word because you dnt have a large enough mind or vocabulary to speak like an adult so how about you go off and live in your world and quit stirring up the shit here. :yellow_loser:

  3. Dude there is no reason to insult him for a statement. He was stating opinion and not fact, just as you are stating your opinion and not hard fact. each of you will obviously have your own hard evidence to support this theory.


    Yes Big Block motors will pound for pound out torque small blocks BUT Small blocks have the ability to rev to ridiculous RPMS and make a huge torque curve that will wind out faster than a BB. and a big block will prolly take a small off the line but the Small is gonna walk all over the BB in the long run. again this is my opinion and not presented as anything else.


    So :chillpill:

  4. I live on a cul-de-sac and this punk was doing donuts in it at 3AM For the love of god man. so i went outside and i'm not a small guy (6'5" 285lbs) and i cam screamin out the door with a 12ga shotgun and the look on this punks face was great he prolly shit himself and i haven't seen him since. :ughdance:

  5. Alright i limped it to work this morning and i think i lost 2nd and 4th but i still have reverse...:wtf: 2nd is kinda there but it refuses to go anywhere fast and i havent made it above 30 to test 4th but i am pretty sure it isn't there . so i fell like :puke: becuse i dont have the money for a new one yet and the dealer is going to be a pain about it no matter what and i need the truck for work. so i am sed all the way around

  6. So i have come to the conclusion that i turned my 4l60e into a freakin hand grenade tonight, i was going down westhimer racing a mustang and i hit the 1-2 shift and heard the loudest bang i have ever heard or felt in my life. and the RPMS nailed redline and the mustang just shot away from me. and alas the engine would just rev and not do anything. so i pulled over and i couldnt get the truck to move so i shut it off and went in for a coke and came back out and started it up and it moved but not anywhere fast and i know it lost a few gears, i think all i have is 3rd cause it feels like it. any ideas what i broke?

  7. Well i went out there and talked to them today and the quoted price of $3100 includes a complete performance rebuild including hardened input shafts and drums and raplacin almost all of the factory plastic pieces with bearing raced pieces. all new pistons and servos and a performance shift kit. price is installed with tax. so any opinions would be helpful

  8. Well i know i dont own an SS but i need some trany advice, i talked to century transmission in Houston Texas about a rebuild. and they told me right around 3 grand to do a complete rebuild with Beast sunshell and all and i asked about the 5 gear planetaries and he told me that my 06 had a 4l65e not a 4l60e with my 5.3L i am really confused because i thought that i had the 4l60e which in turn has the 4 gear planetary

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