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real quick cause im sure this is a :repost: but what are the final feelings on e-fans. is everyone still going with FAL 282 or are people using the 05 gm fans. i never followed this topic when it was new and now im lost.

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I've got flex 282s and really like them too. I don't care for the VSC controller that ships with the kit, but the physical fans themselves are great. I don't know for a fact, but I'm sure they move more air than the 05 GM fans. On the other hand, getting OEM quality and fir with the GM fans would be a benefit too.

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I already had my custom tune from Allen so I did not have to re tune. I bought my wiring harness from Allen also. The whole install took me about an hour and a half. That includes changing my thermostat. I took my time through the whole install and had no problems at all. The harness that Allen sales makes to install go real smooth.

But I am sure that the harness that Bryan sells is fine and would work just as well.

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I'm using the FAL's and I love them. I've had no real problems with them except for thr fuse block melting which FAL has alreay taken care of. I did notice a little improvment at the track by gaining .2-.4 of a second after installin the fans and vette servo.

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