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King Cobra Install

Got A SS

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I got my King Cobra CAI from Tbyrne today. Great company to deal with. Was on back order and didn't charge me until it shipped. Noticed several MPG gain and a true seat of the pants increase as well. Wasn't the easiest thing to install but a couple hours of trial fitting etc. and it's done. You need to remove your fan shroud for it to function correctly. (They call it the fan shroud I call it the plastic deal that goes over the core support) Money well spent.

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My understanding of the fan shroud was that it is there for a reason. I have seen trucks run without one and they ran hot. Have you noticed any difference in the temp of your truck since you removed it?


That seems kind of awkward that you have to remove the shroud to make that CAI work doesn't it? It's like, get some gain from the CAI, but loose some from the truck running hot, if it is.


I know my shroud is touching the intake tube (old Volant), but you shouldn't have to remove it to get the CAI to work.


Late- Alex

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Like I said it's not the actual shroud even though that's what they call it in the directions.  It didn't run any hotter than normal except I was testing it out rather hard!! :smash:

Does it really give the gains they advertise though?


:withstupid: I want to know too before I spend the money on the full ram air kit.

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I have only driven it once since the install. I don't have a Gtech but you could tell a difference in power and sound. Sounds mean!! Gas Mileage improved for sure. I set the cruise at certain speeds before and after and compared. For example I set the cruise at 40 and the instant MPG was around 21. After it would fluctuate between 27 and 32. I kid you not. I haven't played around much at highway speeds yet. That was on the exact same road just a couple hours apart. I thought it was kinda tricky to install. Especially compared to my Mustang but you put it together a few times and you get the hang of it.

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There were way too many issues w/ this setup when it was first released for me to give it any real credability.... and I'm not to sure I like the idea of having to remove the plastic shroud in order make it fit. I do have to admit that MPG gain is really good, but from what I understand the ram air intake covers a substantial part of the radiator... thats gonna have to have a bad effect on the temps.

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I wondered about air temps too when I first saw it, but then started thinking that as long as the vehicle is in motion it's not an issue but when you are stopped or moving slowly it can suffer heat soak? :dunno: I wonder how it compares (heat soak wise) to the intake setups on recent 'Vettes and F-bodies?


Mr. P. :)


GOT A SS - not at all dismissing the gains you have seen, just wanting to know how this intake would work at the strip...

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