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WTF! Fried PCM!?


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Alright....What the hell is going on here!? Get my tranny fixed & then I go to download my Whipple program back into the truck and buzzzzzzzzz. As the program is dowloading the fuel pump relay starts buzzing and vibrating. The truck now will not even attempt to start. Also the Whipple programmer is not recognizing the PCM. Brian at PCM for less thinks I fried the stock PCM. This Sucks. Kill a rumble bee in the morning. Break down in the afternoon. At least it's not tranny related. Anyone else have any ideas. :confused::mad:

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Get used to it, the problems will just keep coming

Dont listen to that guy. He is in a slump. :smash: I think part of the problem some of us have with our SS's is us our selves. What I am saying is modding the truck definitly effects relibility. None of the aftermarket companys spend a quarter of what GM spends on R&D. So yes Mods. definitly help, But ultimatly the truck was not designed to be modded. Just my .02$. Goodluck. :driving::flag:

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Handheld tuners are not the best thing. Others have fried the PCM from doing them. The system is very touchy and does not like any fluctuations. Whipple should buy you a new PCM, as long as you did what the directions said to.


There is a whole list of things that need to be done. All small things, but tempramental loading occurs if not followed to a tee.

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