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bar fight

AnAmerican Revolution

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I was going home i was on my way out of the door and the waiter stopped me and told me i forgot my pool stick i thanked her and proceeded to my truck. When i went out I saw 2 characters standing in front of my truck im like oh great i knew who it was right away. One comes charing at me so i took my pool stick and busted it right over his head. Knocked his @ss right out the other guy who i dont know who ran like a chicken. Anyway my buddy that owns the bar called the cops and the kid tried to say that I jumped him. Here the waiter was watching me going out to my truck and saw the whole thing> plus the kid i knocked out said no one else was with him so he lied to police officers too. The only reason they believed him over me is because his daddy is a police officer. So the waitress came out and set it straight and my buddy asked me if he wanted him banned from the bar. I told him there was no need to do that. So 4 am this morning i hear a vroooooom VROOM kid got his camaro and was doing burnouts infront of my house. I got the license plate to prove it and the g/f was there and many neighbors saw it too.

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Sounds like you would be the one taking the blame, you made the first hit :dunno:

And why did you use you pool stick to hit him, come fight like a man, give him a fist to the head....


Someone telling you to fight like a man is stupid. Who was the one KO'd? Use what you can when you have the means. You gonna call someone a woman if they're holding a gun to your face cause they won't fight you fist to fist? You'd be dead and he wouldn't be, man or not doesn't matter. :)

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Sounds like you would be the one taking the blame, you made the first hit :dunno:

And why did you use you pool stick to hit him, come fight like a man, give him a fist to the head....


Someone telling you to fight like a man is stupid. Who was the one KO'd? Use what you can when you have the means. You gonna call someone a woman if they're holding a gun to your face cause they won't fight you fist to fist? You'd be dead and he wouldn't be, man or not doesn't matter. :)


A few years back I would have to disagree with the second statement and totally agree to the first...until...I got a cheap shot by a guy at a bar that lead to him and 3 others jumping me later that night. I tried to fight fist to fist b/c that is all I had. I delivered my share of a beating to two of them but also suffered a couple of severly bruised ribs, a busted knee cap, and countless numbers of knots on my head. If that situation ever arises again with anyone (or a group) I will use what ever I have to to do as much damage to them as necessary. People these days are simply crazy and you don't know who you are going to encounter...use whatever means necessary to protect yourself. :smash:

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i agree on that account for sure. if i'm holding something in my hand when you're trying to start something, you can be damn sure it's going to be involved whether it's a pool stick, bowling ball, pipe wrench, etc. fighting is about being the one standing in the end.

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i agree on that account for sure. if i'm holding something in my hand when you're trying to start something, you can be damn sure it's going to be involved whether it's a pool stick, bowling ball, pipe wrench, etc. fighting is about being the one standing in the end.


Hmmm.. I dont know about that. I guess it would depend on the reason for the fight, would it really be neccesary to knock someone out with a pipe wrench and possible putting them in hospital over some little argument?? But I guess if someone would have messed with my truck for no aparent reason, yes he would deserve to get knocked the f!@# out.

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i agree on that account for sure. if i'm holding something in my hand when you're trying to start something, you can be damn sure it's going to be involved whether it's a pool stick, bowling ball, pipe wrench, etc. fighting is about being the one standing in the end.


Hmmm.. I dont know about that. I guess it would depend on the reason for the fight, would it really be neccesary to knock someone out with a pipe wrench and possible putting them in hospital over some little argument?? But I guess if someone would have messed with my truck for no aparent reason, yes he would deserve to get knocked the f!@# out.



if you're going to fight with someone it doesn't matter if it's a little argument or not. whether or not to fight is the decision, not how bad you're going to f--- them up. in most cases it's best to not fight at all. when it comes time to fight though you don't be nice just because it was a minor argument. if it was minor, you shouldn't be fighting.

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something the mighty Corps taught me was "weapons of opportunity" wether it be a de-limbed leg (lol not likely in the streets..just making a point) or a large rock you find on the ground. At least thats what I would do. If somebody wants to start something with me, I wont mind hitting them with something large and solid. How much force I use is entirely up to me. If I feel I am serioully threatened, then I wont have a problem using full force and risking jail time.

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something the mighty Corps taught me was "weapons of opportunity"  wether it be a de-limbed leg (lol not likely in the streets..just making a point)  or a large rock you find on the ground.  At least thats what I would do.  If somebody wants to start something with me, I wont mind hitting them with something large and solid.  How much force I use is entirely up to me.  If I feel I am serioully threatened, then I wont have a problem using full force and risking jail time.

as I was reading this thread that is exactly what came to my head, "weapons of opportunity"!! that's awesome! Our outlook is ; I'm coming home one way or another, so how isn't the question, it's when.

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now a days its never a fair fight, either there a few people who will jump in or use a weapon of some sort against you. This is the same reason i use the snuff move whenever something like this arrises. After getting my butt kicked at college by 5 people on my way home one night i will not hesitate to catch the person off guard. As soon as some sort of trash is talked their getting a left hook without consideration. Use whatever you can to defend yourself cause the opposing side def will not hesitate to do the same. To bad for the pool stick

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First of all I don't like to fight, and if I can avoid it I will. Second, if someone is looking to fight and I can't avoid it, I will use any means or methods at my disposal to protect myself. "Weapons of Opportunity" Hey, I know that phrase from somewhere. Semper Fi VTODD82 :flag:

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