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Al Asad, Iraq


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I am out here in Iraq at the moment and have finally decided to post some pictures of what I see out here every day. Hope everyone likes them.


Fist of all, Welcome to Al Asad, Iraq.




The temperature is usually way past 100, but is cooling down some.




This is me on a Russian Mig.








This sign was made for every service member who has made the ultimate sacrafice.



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ArrivalSS, you got to this post before I could finish it up. lol Its ok though. Now for part 2.


Here I am playing with the Mig again.




Taking a ride in a Cobra Attack Helicopter. Damn that was fun.




A few things we see as we ride around base.










Enough for now. I will be posting more pics after a while.



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Thank You for your service to our country! You guys are ALL in my prayers everyday! My nephew should be arriving in Iraq any day now. So, I'm a little worried about him, too. He's not in the US Marines, though. He's in the US Army. Don't hesitate to let us here know if there is ANYTHING you need, and where to send it! I hope I speak for everyone on this site when I say; God Bless our United States' Servicemen and women. And keep your head down!


Hang in there!


TP :chevy:

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  Don't hesitate to let us here know if there is ANYTHING  you need, and where to send it!  I hope I speak for everyone on this site when I say; God Bless our United States' Servicemen and women.  And keep your head down!



:flag: Great pictures, keep 'em coming! :D

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Thanks for the comments everyone. There are other pictures I would love to post or to send out, but I'm not allowed to, and they monitor everything that we send out. I haven't seen any of those Oshkosh Trucks out here just yet, but if I do I will let you know. The Referendum elections went by kind of smoothly. We were real nervouse about that. It wasn't as bad as we were expecting it to be. We got shelled a few times a day during that period, but we are kind of used to that I guess. I'll be heading back to NC in late January, and I got a few things planned for my homecoming. My wife has already given me the thumbs up on a set of 22's and a BSER rollpan and a new sound system for my SS. So, I got a lot to look forward to when I get there. Thanks again everyone.



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