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On my way home


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Ok, as some of you know I have been in Iraq since this past July. Well, today I am on my way home. I will be boarding a flight out of tomorrow morning to head back to the good ole USA. I should be back in the states by saturday morning. I am just happy to be getting out of this place. I've had enough for right now and I just want to sleep in my own comfortable bed, shower in my own house, watch a little tv, drive my SSS, and not have to worry about anyone trying to hide around a corner. Damn its good to be heading home. :cheers:

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AWESOME :thumbs: and all in one piece I hope


I hope you have a safe flight back. Boy does time fly. I remember when you posted that you were going away !


Come home, relax, have a beer, dust of the SS and take her for a spin.


I bet you have family that has been waiting ! They must be excited !


Oh and by the way.......thanks for serving :flag::flag:


I was in USAR back in 1980



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Congratulations, hafe a safe trip. Have a ice cold beer and get all of that sand out of your crack. The closest I ever got to Iraq was NTC (Ft. Irwin) in the Mojave desert and it really sucked. Oh, and that was without a bunch of di#kheads trying to kill me. Later



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:flag: God Speed Marine SGT, God Speed :flag:


Thanks for all you've done, all that you do, and all that you may be called upon to do.....


It's soldiers like yourself, that make this country great!!!! May your travels be over quickly and safely..... :thumbs:

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