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Dylan dishes out a helping of payback!


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thankfully you had cool cops too!!





becouse WEST VALLEY is NOT a fun place to stay in...dif. not a 5 star resort... :crackup:

and the food :puke: and just be lucky the little sh**s didn't drop the hammer on you...



Yeah seriously dude. :lol: You must have some serious hookups with the local cops to get away with something like that.

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By the way.  How do you get into so many confrontations like that? :lol:   I know if had my share, but damn, its like every month for you. :lol:


I just don't take shit from anybody... there are more assholes in the world now a days than people with common sense and courtesey. They had screwed with 3 other people before she touched my truck and they all those people just ignored them... I refuse to be disrespected by some jackass jr. high kid.


**** you dylan, my sister told me what you did to her bag...im looking for you BOY!!

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By the way.  How do you get into so many confrontations like that? :lol:   I know if had my share, but damn, its like every month for you. :lol:


I just don't take shit from anybody... there are more assholes in the world now a days than people with common sense and courtesey. They had screwed with 3 other people before she touched my truck and they all those people just ignored them... I refuse to be disrespected by some jackass jr. high kid.


**** you dylan, my sister told me what you did to her bag...im looking for you BOY!!

It's WHITE boy. :crackup:
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Alot of shit head middle school kids come to our high school games. one night i had gotton a really good spot close to the gym doors. After leaving the game i was walking behind some like 8th graders i think, they happend to walk by my truck (i only drive it to games not to school) but he was walkin by it and i was like 10 ft behind him and he just decides to spit on my truck. So i quick run and grab the bastard by the neck and start flippin shit. He bought his way out of it by givin me $10 for a carwash. Kinda felt bad but hes lucky he didnt get a beat down.

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Man you're lucky.  I know here in Detroit if you got out of the truck with a knife and went after a kid in middle school or high school, the chance he'd pull a gun and rip you in half with it is pretty good.  Here's to having a pair  :cheers:


You never know who's carrying any more.  My buddy was shot 6 times in a car jacking and lived.  The kids who jacked him drove his Hummer 5 blocks and dumped it.  What a waste.


where was your friend at in Detroit?? are you in the area too, did not know that :chevy:


I hope I never have to pull my gun cause if you pull you better be ready to shoot. I thought this was funny but to me it is just asking for trouble-if not from the police then som e lame retailation which could cause damage to your truck which is worse. I have switched from keeping it in the glove box to keeping it on my side!! one step closer to ready to stop agression.


it is sad that we have to do shit like this cause peoples parents dont anymore :nonod:

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my knife would have stayed in the truck, the glock would have come with me.... maybe pop a waring shot over her fat little head....lol... just jokes... that's quality, teach that little shit to mess with the ss crowd...


             "tell your friends about me!" :devil:


Here in Indiana.......or at least this part....the guns would have come out......


....oh, and they would have only gotten the warning shot if they were lucky :D


Damn HOOSIERS!! :crackup: Dylan, great job handling those lil' punks. Hopefully their parents beat their ass when they got home. :smash:

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Nice, I hate it when people do sh*t like that.... they know it's wrong. They just don't have any respect for other peoples stuff. It pisses me off! It's just like My blazer that I sold to my brother. A couple days after I gave it to him somebody in his apartment complex shattered the back window out. Well, his was one of 4 windows that got busted out that night and they didn't take anything, it was probably just some dumb kids wanting to hear the sound of glass breaking.... or something.... $1500 later he's got a new window. Thank goodness for insurance!! Stupid!


Good for you!! :thumbs: I'm glad someones teaching these kids a lesson, because they need it!

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