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I have a magnaflow cat back system, dual in single out exhaust. Personally right now it's to quiet, and I have been thinking of removing the resonators. I know the Jonmalibuss has done this and said it helped the sound out alot. My delema is this, if I take out the resonators, I will probably get the sound I want. If in the future I add headers, i think it may get to loud then I will have to get new exhaust or put the resonators back in. I also plan on doing a cam swap very soon. Would you take out the resonators or leave them in.


Thanks in advance to anyone who chimes in here.

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just take out the resonators all ready . the headers will not even change your exhaust note, at least they didnt for me. hte cam will though. i say go for it, at times i think my exhaust is to loud. when i get n it and i want to people to know im there im glad i have it!

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I know Chase.. It just has taken this long to find someone worthy of welding my exhaust. I will not just go to a hack shop and have it done. I finally got my beater back today, so the exhaust will be comming off and sent out to the welder.

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