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gf wants a treo 700w


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anyone have a treo 700? what are the advantages? she wants it mostly for planning i was just gonna get her a regular palm but she looses shit all the time lol better for her to have one gadget then two. is it a good phone? i know on my e815 i can send myself mp3 clips and make them ringers can u do the same with that phone? thanks for any input

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I have the 650 and love it. The only difference with the 700 is the operating system (700 gets windows mobile instead of palm OS)


The 700 also gets a slightly better camera I believe.


There have been some complaints that the windows OS is VERY power hungry and cuts down on the battery live signifigantly.


IMO the 650 is better based on price and the fact it doesn't have any real bugs, the 700 is still in its first run... still some issues to work out.

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