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Zaino vs Old school competition

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Since I've been on the board (newbie) I have been hearing quite a bit of talk about the Zaino products and how good they are.


A couple buddys and I were talking last night about the product. I was telling them all the success stories that I've been reading and how alot of people are impressed with their vehicles turnout. One of them said "oh that new fangled crap can't do any better than Turtle Wax." "Go ahead and get your little clay bar and your fancy waxes, then when you screw your nice truck up, call me and we'll fix it the right way"


So, the gauntlet has been flung. :devil:


Since I used to work in a detail shop (no a professional detail shop, not the local gas station kind :P ) and so did my buddy that is making fun of Zaino, I stood my ground and challenged him.


I said "Your on, I bet I can detail my truck better with the Zaino product, then you can with your old school glazes and your old school Johnson Paste Wax crud."


So here it is: Im taking my Black '03 SS and detailing it with the Zaino setup ( I ordered the basic $90.00 kit, should be here this week) and my buddy is detailing a friends Black '99 Vette. The winner gets a 12 pack of soda :D and bragging rights.


If anyone has any insider tips on the Zaino system and putting it on, let me know. I have never used the stuff before, but was'nt going to stand there and run his jaw without a challenge. We're supposed to have our vehicles done in a week, then appear at a local car show for judging.


So let's hear from you all who've used Zaino (Especially those with Black vehicles!!) on what to watch out for and some techniques)


Thanks !!!

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well depending on how new/many miles on your truck you may not need clay bar , but i would do it anyways if it has never been clay barred, just get a spray bottle fill it up with the zaino soap and water, wash your truck completely with dawn( strip the waxes off) dry it good. then begie to spray mist the truck with the bottle o soap and water, and get a small piece of clay( directions should be on the clay bar container) and clay you truck a\until you cant feel any rough spots. then wash it all off. Start with one of the zfx polishes, i beleive 2 or 5, i do one of each when i do my truck. let them dry , dont put too much on as it will be alot harder to remove. after that finish it up with the spray sealer and wipe clean, then they even have a gloss enhancer that works ok. if you look through my posts you will find results of a freshly zainoed black truck .

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make sure you let your friend know that the zaino will last alot longer on the car. i tested it on my hood half was zaino the other half was mothers pure carnuba wax. the carnuba wax lasted about a month the zaino was good for almost 4 months. after you apply the zaino use the spray gloss enhancer. ( it will make the paint look wetter) then apply one more coat of zaino. that will make the truck really shine.

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... "oh that new fangled crap can't do any better than Turtle Wax." ...


Everyone here that sees my truck is stunned, the shop guys at the stealership have named it 'Mad Shine'. The trick is all in the prep work, get the paint as chemically clean as you can before you being applying the Zaino. So this is everything I know on the subject, if anyone has suggestions or more ideas please tell me.



Mr. Clean filtered nozzle, worth every penny (walmart, $20)

Genuine diaper-cloth towels, or high-end microfibre towels (you'll need a lot)

Genuine sheepskin wash mit (walmart $5)

Water blade (for drying, walmart $20)

Bug and Tar remover (walmart, $4)

Tire/rim cleaner that is safe for your wheels (walmart, $4)


The towells and wash mit need replacing every 6 months or so, fortunately the Mr. Clean and water blade you only have to buy once.



1) Prepare - have one bucket with original Dawn, another bucket to rinse your mit. Park the truck in a shady area with no wind - I wash mine *inside* my garage with the Mr. Clean and have no problems. Use halogen floodlights for lighting, they will make every flaw in the finish glaringly obvious.


2) I wash and dry in the following order - top of cab; back of cab and headgate; upper driver's doors & mirror (above the body line); upper pass. doors & mirror; windshield; hood; front of truck; each front fender; each side of truck; each side of bed; tailgate and rear bumper; each wheelhousing and wheel.


3) Forget Mr. Miagi's "wax-on, wax-off" method, it will scuff the shit out of your finish; always wash horizontal panels (hood, top of cab) front-to-back, and vertical panels up-and-down. The goal here is to make all unavoidable scuffing from washing/drying/claying to be in straight lines because these will polish-out later; if you have circular scuffing of the finish ("spider-webbing") it takes MUCH more effort to get out.


4) Wash each area with original Dawn and immediately rinse with Mr. Clean nozzle. Rinse wash mit after each panel in your rinse-out bucket, one side of the wash mit will do an area about 4-6 sq. ft. (using both sides of the wash mit will do half the hood). Do not let the wash mit stay dirty, and do not put a dirty wash mit in your clean soapy water bucket. Be conservative, if the rag is dirty rinse it in your rinse bucket and re-wet with fresh soap as you do not want to be dragging trapped dirt/dust across your paint while you wash, you want as clean a wash mit as possible at all times.


5) Dry each panel immediately after it has been washed; use the water blade first to get most of the water off, then use compressed air to blow the rest off the vehicle and out of hidden areas that may later drip and leave mineral runs on you; lastly, finish drying whatever remains with your cotton diaper cloth or microfiber towel, but you want to use towels as a last resort because they always scuff your finish, even the best ones (that's why I encourage using the water blade and air).


6) If you have something on the paint that will not come off with light effort using the wash mit (bugs, tar) DO NOT SCRUB as you will scuff your paint! Hit the offending area with bug/tar remover, let set 1-2 mins, and wash again (it will all easily come right off and not damage the surface). On the most stubborn bug/tar spots I will squirt a bit of bug/tar remover onto a cotton cloth and wet/work the stain with the cloth.


7) Clean the paint with body clay per the instructions on the package. Claying a vehicle takes at least as much time as washing it, but only needs to be done once or twice a year on well-cared vehicles (thank god). Again work in straight lines, just like washing/drying. You have to judge your progress by the "feel" of the panel, you can tell when it is contaminated versus when it is completely clean, the difference felt in your fingertips is huge.


At this point, the truck is 'chemically' clean, you can Zaino it, or optionally polish it. If you apply Zaino after claying you will have a 'better than new car' shine; if you polish your truck then it will have a 'show car shine'.



I start with 3M Finesse-It (Napa, $16 for big bottle), you can do this by hand but oh.. my.. god.. what a chore, or use a DA machine with a "medium" foam pad (this stuff is pretty watery and will sling-off everywhere). I then spot-polish remaining deep scratches with Meguire's Scratch-X (walmart, $6). Lastly, I finish with 3M Hand Glaze using a fine/finishing foam pad. Polishing takes a while but is guaranteed to get rid of everything but the deepest scratches.



1) Fill a two-ounce bottle with Z5 and 9-10 drops of catalyst, this two-ounch bottle will cover the whole truck in a single coat of Zaino

2) Apply Zaino in same panel sequence as washing the truck, one panel at a time, but you can "wax on" using a circular hand motion to assure correct coverage;

3) Clean/shine the body panel with Z6 and *clean* diaper cloth towel; one squirt of Z6 goes a LONG ways, 4-5 fogging squirts of Z6 will clean the entire top of the cab. Turn diaper cloth frequently and buff until clean and dry - the panel should look fantastic at this point, make sure there is no streaking, etc.

4) Apply Z5 with cotton applicator pad; a nickel-sized amount will do several square feet, it goes on so light that on a black truck you will barely see a haze as it is drying, you want THIN coats.

5) Continue around the truck, cleaning with Z6 then following with Z5.

6) After Z5 hardens (1-4 hours depending...) remove dried excess with towel, large microfiber towell with deep nap will work best here.

7) Apply second coat of Z5, using Z6 to clean before application.

8) Apply TWO additional coats of Z2 (with catalyst); at this point (four coats) this is the best the vehicle will ever look. You can apply more coats for protection but it's not necessary.


Just before the showing, wipe down truck with Z8 (preferred), Z6, or Meguire's Quick Detailer (walmart $4) to lock-in your win! I think the Meguire's might have more oil in it to temporarily fill remaining microscratches...


Judging - the truck will look fantastic, and I mean dazzling, in the sunlight because when it is polished and clean it will transform from black to a hematite-colored silvery mirrored finish. The real judging is under the halogen lights though, because it will show every flaw in the finish. At the local cruise nights you can easily spot a piss-poor paint or detail job because of the lighting if you know what you are looking for in the reflection of the paint. Another thing that you will find is that the Zaino finish not only looks 'slick' but feels slick too; all other waxes will feel greasy; I've had the dealership complain that they cannot set paper or books on my hood, they slide right off onto the ground (let me tell you how much that pissed me off when I heard that btw...)


Bugs will *easily* come off a Zaino finish, take an old spray bottle and fill with a mix of Z7 and water, spray onto a cotton cloth and then work off the bug - it will almost always wipe right off with near-zero effort. This will not be the case with other wax products, they require bug/tar remover, and that will also strip off the wax and the panel must be re-waxed.


After the truck has Zaino, wash with Z7 as it will not take off the Z2 or Z5. Wash your truck every 10-14 days whether you think it needs it or not (you don't want a lot of dirt on the surface as it will scratch during washing). Apply another single top-coat of Z2 or Z5 every other wash and it will always be show-ready.


PM me if you want more info or hints...


Mr. P. :)

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MisterP that was exactly what I was looking for !!! Thanks a million, when I get my winning 12 pack I'll have a soda for you  :D

You're welcome, glad to help. Again PM me if you have any issues.


The idea is that Zaino is completely transparent, so the vehicle has GOT to be clean. You are actually refinishing your truck.


The only other products that will deliver a similar finish is Der Shiny Stuff and Klasse All-In-One; these are also acrylic sealants.


The only off-the-shelf product which comes even close is Maguire's NXT wax; I've used it and it has the same gloss as Zaino, but the color of the truck is decidedly black so that product has a lot more body to it. The problem with NXT is that it is completely shot in 3-4 weeks, I mean totally evaporated away. It also leaves that greasy/oily/wet residue.


Just had another idea - you want to really make Zaino stand out, compare vehicles not just right after application (Zaino will still look better IMO) but after their first washing; the Zaino finish will look just like Day 1, the other finishes will certainly not. And another little test - feel the difference between the two finishes with saran wrap under your fingers, it will undeniably show who's got the better, 'healthier' finish.


Well I'm off to the garage to polish my front bumper and fenders... :D


Mr. P. :)

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just mistifying totally,my printer ran out of paper somebody bump this tommorow need to get more ink too.LOL


NICE write up mr. P. will def save this one and will do next month. :cool:

:uhoh: Wow guess it's time for another How-To!

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