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Someones butt hurt!


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He'd be better off spending his energy on improving his product and serving the customers that make his existence possible.


Just my $0.02



My point exactly. Instead, he's running around accusing DJM & Belltech of stealing his design, and threatening to sue customers that have a problem with his product.
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Free Legal Advice (You get what you pay for):


First Amendment protects opinions.  If Jon thinks the spindles are junk, it's his opinion, and no one can stop him from expressing it.


As stated above, a LIE is a necessary element of a slander lawsuit.  Truth is a defense.


So as long as you're telling the truth or expressing an opinion, a lawsuit attacking your comments would be BASELESS and FRIVOLOUS.


Jon and P: are you two in the same state as this whackjob?  If not, he'd need to find a way to either sue you in your state, haul you into his state court, or sue in federal court.  That's a lot of work for a meritless lawsuit.


If his attorneys are foolish enough to entertain this, then his reputation and his company's reputation will FLAME OUT in a heartbeat.  He'd be better off spending his energy on improving his product and serving the customers that make his existence possible.


Just my $0.02



He is in the same state as me and yes it is an opinion and when I tell people not to buy his spindles it's because they have an 05 and new truck because they do not fit! They may have changed that now but if they were anything like the second set I recieved from McGaughys then you are running a huge risk of destrying your brakes. I'm not afraid of this guy because I have pictures to back up all of the claims I have made. If I have more time I would look up the post Mcgaughys vs belltech and paste the link. I will do it later, if someone else can find it and post please feel free to do so!

If he had a leg to stand on, he wouldn't be throwing out idle threats to you like he has.
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My reply


... I have the freedom to say what I want when I want ...

Well in all fairness Jon, no you can't. BUT any of us consumers can share with others our own authoritative experience with products and other people as long as those statements are first-hand and factual.


Time to bring this issue to a head.


It is my judgement that if McGaughys were truly serious they would have just initially instructed an attorney to do a "legal sniper move" and contact forum members directly, privately, and removed such folks from the discussion - none of us here would have never known about this, people of interest to McGaughys would have just been served a cease and desist right off the bat. My point being, in my judgement the threat of legal action here is a paper tiger; if it were ever real it would have been exercised by now, there would have been no threats or emotion or screaming and yelling, just action.


Secondly (and btw this is how lawyers think) none of us here have a pot to piss in - sue for what, $100? or $1000? or $1M? Filing suit against anyone here is a loosing proposition, there is no way that the expenses required to legally chase an upset customer could ever be recouped. McGaughys would have to be in a position to throw away money to do so because they have *several* such unhappy customers that openly share their product experiences, and I'm pretty sure that company is not in that kind of position.


Last and I feel the most important point - basically the company would have to file a cease and desist against its customers to prevent factual discussion of installation experiences with company products, services, and reps; by doing so none of us would even be allowed to share an objective product review. And that is a flagrant violation of Constitutional law, I am sure that no attorney or judge would do anything to violate the Constitution.


I do suggest that all forum participants be very careful from here on out as to how you phrase your discussions, talk about the PRODUCTS and SERVICE, do not label anyone here, you don't want to get sued because you called someone a "moron" and they take you to court and explain to the judge that in fact they DO have an IQ higher than 80 and you loose and have to pay somebody else $100 or $1000 a month for the next umpteen years... We all better stick to voicing the facts, not insults.


So, in the words of my father - McGaughys had better quit worrying about what Jon is doing and better start worrying about what THEY are doing; they are pushing a very poor position IMO.


Mr. P.

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...Jon and P: are you two in the same state as this whackjob?  ...

:crackup: Hell no, leaving CA was the best thing to ever happen to me. And you just have not lived until you've seen Fresno, especially south of Shaw. That's my personal opinion, btw.

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...Jon and P: are you two in the same state as this whackjob?  ...

:crackup: Hell no, leaving CA was the best thing to ever happen to me. And you just have not lived until you've seen Fresno, especially south of Shaw. That's my personal opinion, btw.

way to CYA and throw in the "that's my personal opinion", :lol: id hate to be mistaken it was someone elses opinion you were sharing :P

dont wanna get sued by fresno aka armpit of cali

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I suggest he should have his attorneys check out the First Amendment to the Constitution. You, me, Jesus himself can say whatever the **** we want to say about that junk. I'm so glad I bought Belltech.





The part you must remember is that you can say whatever you want ... but you also assume possession of the consequences of what you say.


oooo you can guys get in a legal battle over the defination of Junk also ... remember ... if the spindle doesn't fit ... you must admit .... or something like that ... man I sure do like Crown and boobies.



"if the glove don't fit you must aquit" :dupe::icon_bs:

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...dont wanna get sued by fresno aka armpit of cali

:crackup: I've actually called Fresno that! But even *I* would live in Fresno before San Bernardino; that's the true corn-hole of CA right there. :sick: But as bad as those places are the illegal mexican immigrants would rather live there than Mexico - that's f'd up!


Mr. P. :)

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...dont wanna get sued by fresno aka armpit of cali

:crackup: I've actually called Fresno that! But even *I* would live in Fresno before San Bernardino; that's the true corn-hole of CA right there. :sick: But as bad as those places are the illegal mexican immigrants would rather live there than Mexico - that's f'd up!


Mr. P. :)


those are by far not the worst ca has to offer, pico rivera ,compton,south central,east l.a. i could go on for a while but san berdu is getting worse!

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...dont wanna get sued by fresno aka armpit of cali

:crackup: I've actually called Fresno that! But even *I* would live in Fresno before San Bernardino; that's the true corn-hole of CA right there. :sick: But as bad as those places are the illegal mexican immigrants would rather live there than Mexico - that's f'd up!


Mr. P. :)


those are by far not the worst ca has to offer, pico rivera ,compton,south central,east l.a. i could go on for a while but san berdu is getting worse!

Ahh you know ALL the great travel spots :thumbs: I actually have not spent much time in SoCal, other than on the 10 and 210. Did stay in Compton a couple nights, at the time I did not think it was even near as bad as Stockton. But Stockton has done a lot to clean that place up in the last 10 years.


OK I vote we close this thread, we're talking about the shitholes of CA now! :lol: I think we are done here unless a certain someone contributes something of worth to this discussion.

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