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My truck may be on PINKS


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Just thought I'd bump this back up to the top since the other pink string (pink string?.... somehow that sounds discusting? lol) Has gotten more posts lately.


Season ender was a bit diff. Charity race. One curious thing, host said at one point that all the bs in the negotiations and races and ultimate outcome would cause the network not to buy the episode. Umm, ok I'm at a loss. Is that the way all tv shows are? I'd figure if you've sold a season of shows, they've bought the season of whatever you produce. Good, Bad or Indifferent. Guess that isn't the case.


Ok, Discuss....

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well i just read that studdering typo i made. ugh.


First show didn't impress. Datsun kid's first words were to whine how his car had overheating issues and such. If true he shouldn't have stepped up. From what they say many do bail at the last minute. Which is also what was told to me directly.


I wonder what happened to the half hour season 3 preview show they were supposed to run at 9?


Good Grief, they picked a sunday (23rd) and monday (24th) to film here? guess they don't want many to show up. Hell if I'm staying up all night 2 work nights in a row.


I hope they get better cause it's circling the bowl at this moment.


**** Just started listening to Pinks radio for this week and the "Making of Pinks" show wasn't ready as planned. Guess they didn't get as many races in as planned so far? I know they didn't fill the Gainsville schedule.

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