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freaking aye, anyways i watched x-men3 and ate a burger place here in miami, i was with my cousin it was his going away party. (going to japan for school) anyways i was on my way to my friends house to watch the heat game. anyyyyyways :banghead: sooo i was driving my merry way and i notice a blue SSS, so i drive up to him and we slow down a bit to chat for a sec, (three lane road) so i tell him really quick about the site to check it out cause i gotta go. as soon as we let off and started driving off a guy in a toyota/isuzu pickup hauls ass and cuts me off and slams the breaks. i slam mine, and have bout a inch on his bumper. then he gets pisst and starts flipping me off. im like ummm...ok....damn ass^&^$ so then i move over and speed around him, he then moves over to the next lane and slams his breaks on the blue sss! :mad::sigh: im already far away and a bit shakend by it, i mean WTF are you serious people get that damn pisst off??!



on the upside, heat are up

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At that point I bet you wish you were driving a beater 3/4 ton 79 Chevy 4WD so you could have pushed that little prick into a tree. What a di#khead.  How was the movie?



you have no idea....a very SMALL part of my brain was telling me to ram him hard and proceed running him into traffic. some people....well at least miami is on the top of another list!!! :wtf: i hope the blue SSS come on the forum

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Yeah I've had a similar experience.


Driving down a busy street and some dude in a beater that plans to turn right onto the same street as me actually looks, sees I'm not far away and proceeds to pull out infront of me. I slam on my brakes, switch lanes and start to pass him and as I do he flips me off! :confused:


How can someone be so stupid? I just honestly sat there in awe after he flipped me off.

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I woulda followed his ass and plowed him in the head with my fist. Violence may not sovle anything, but it sure does make you feel better :D


You have no idea how many smug SUV drivers I've all most killed while I'm riding my Ninja. They will look right at you and come on over into your lane. Most won't be doing that again anytime soon.

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Ohh yeah forgot to post about Miami.


My parents lived in Fort Lauderdale for 4 years, up until 2003. I would go down there on vacation a lot to visit and damn.. Definately the worst drivers I've ever experienced. I live in the DC Metro area and drive in DC all the time, been through New York many times, Atlanta, etc.. Miami by far takes the cake. Everyone down there has banged up cars, blow right through intersections, etc. My parents insurance TRIPLED going from MD to FL and all they did was move. Go figure.

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I know how you feel, I got tired of that crap when I lived there. Now I live in north Fl. and we have to many old people that should not be driving :banghead: they cause most of the accidents here.

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I woulda followed his ass and plowed him in the head with my fist. Violence may not sovle anything, but it sure does make you feel better :D


You have no idea how many smug SUV drivers I've all most killed while I'm riding my Ninja. They will look right at you and come on over into your lane. Most won't be doing that again anytime soon.


smug drivers :crackup: reminds me of that south park episode

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Last time soneone tail gated me, I slammed my breaks, I shake my finger no towards the back window, he flicks me, I do the same, and he puts his out and makes the motion, come here then, I pull my knife out and shake it back and forth, he slows down quick, and exits. I have road rage ;\


Last dumb bitch who almost hit me, b/c she was drunk, then has the nerve to say I'm in the way, when there's not even room to go through b/c the front of my car is like at the next car's passenger door, I didn't let her pass me for about 5 miles, she tried going on the shoulder, wrong lane, almost hits me like 10 times, she goes on the shoulder again, I swerved my car at her, she panic and did a 720. We both got pulled over, for speeding in a speed trap, but I got let go, she got dwi.

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Last time soneone tail gated me, I slammed my breaks, I shake my finger no towards the back window, he flicks me, I do the same, and he puts his out and makes the motion, come here then, I pull my knife out and shake it back and forth, he slows down quick, and exits. I have road rage ;\


Last dumb bitch who almost hit me, b/c she was drunk, then has the nerve to say I'm in the way, when there's not even room to go through b/c the front of my car is like at the next car's passenger door, I didn't let her pass me for about 5 miles, she tried going on the shoulder, wrong lane, almost hits me like 10 times, she goes on the shoulder again, I swerved my car at her, she panic and did a 720. We both got pulled over, for speeding in a speed trap, but I got let go, she got dwi.


I'd never pull a weapon, but you've got the right idea :cheers:


If you pull a weapon and they call the cops, you're screwed. If they search your car and find the weapon that's a whole nother' can of worms. Just because they find a weapon matching the description the other driver gave, the cop will believe whatever they say including them saying you got out of the car and brandished it at them.


Now I wanna tell a story :D


About 2 years ago some **** was tailgating me in his Benz, I'd say he was between 50 - 60 years old with his wife in the car. I was in my Blazer, coming home from work one morning when I was on night shift. Mind you I was all ready doing 75 in a 55. I'm the kind of guy that will happily move to the right lane if you keep back far enough to be safe - but close enough to show your intention to pass me. Soon as you get on my bumper, forget about it. I'll make every effort possible to make sure you don't get around me. Well this ass comes right up on my bumper and stays attached. Living in the DC area, I'm used to this and am a brake check pro. Anyway. I check him HARD while watching him in the rear view the entire time. He gasps, slams his brakes and swerves too hard to the left at the same time - bad idea - then over corrects and goes across 3 lanes and into the shoulder then back 2 lanes into the center where he finally regained control. Then he has the audacity to roll up on my passenger window and try to stare me down. I bucked at his ass and he got a death look on his face and took off. I'm not a big guy mind you, 6' 3" but not Superman by any means. However, I can strike well and practice Gracie Jujitsu on top of it. Would have happily given him a free lesson in front of his wife if he decided to pull over.


I did feel bad for the guys wife, who was undoubtably scared shitless. But you know what. Don't drive like a farking arse and you won't be put in that situation. I was minding my own business just trying to get home and go to bed after a 12 hour shift. Your putting me in danger, as well as other motorist when you tailgate like that. I rarely do heavy brake checks like that, easily a 20MPH instant slow down, this was an exception. I don't know why everone is always in such a farking hurry. Like I said - stay back a couple car lengths and I'll get out of your way. Is that too much to ask?

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