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My baby is done and 2wd !!

Texas SS

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Billet is a pain in the ass and dont hate man! Drag yours then you can talk bad! :nono:



Goes to show you don't know much!


Let me educate you, my wheels are billet and NO I don't polish them because they are ceramic coated so your PITA statement means nothing! Matter of fact I'm willing to bet my rims are easier to take care of than yours! :D


I wasn't hating on you, I just stated that those wheels are UGLY and they are IMHO. I feel like you just bought them for the ohhhhhhhh factor when you go to shows because it's truley hard to believe that someone would buy anything that fugly! :crackup: In all honesty, those rims DO NOT compliment the fact that your SSS is bagged. You might as well have a static drop and stock wheels. That would look better IMHO.


This one looks 50 times better than yours for the simple fact that he chose better wheels than you did! Simple goes a long way!



As far as dragging mine, that would have already been done if not for the AWD. I'm not trying to spend an obscene amount of money just to bag this truck. It makes no sense plain and simple. You probably could have went out and bought a 2WD SSS and bag that straight up for the amount you spent on this conversion smart guy. Then again what do I know, you look like a baller with the Phat Farm shirt and all! :lol:

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Thats cool and why buy a 2wd when this is paid off the conversion was $2500 not all that much so..lets talk about what you know that awd ss you posted dose'nt lay all the way out and has a disgusting camber I dig the color but who would'nt! I didn't post this to get negative feedback and lets not judge what I wear... :cool:

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Well it looks good i'll give you that. And in my opinion, the wheels dont look that great, but hey its your truck. As long as youre happy with it, then good for you! :cheers::chevy:

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Well it looks good i'll give you that. And in my opinion, the wheels dont look that great, but hey its your truck. As long as youre happy with it, then good for you!  :cheers:  :chevy:


"toatally off topic"

Haul@ss, dont you think its time for a new sig man??

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..lets talk about what you know that awd ss you posted dose'nt lay all the way out and has a disgusting camber


Let me try to decipher what you attempted to say..........


First of all since you did this conversion your SSS IS NOT AWD anymore right? So your non AWD SSS lays frame right? So what are you talking about? :dunno:



I didn't post this to get negative feedback and lets not judge what I wear... :cool:


Hey, I'm done if you are. Like Jon said, not everyone will like what you have done. I love that you have a bagged SSS, I personally just don't like the rims, that's all. It's your truck and as long as your happy, that's all that matters. :thumbs:

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honestly that truck is ruined. layin frame is horrible it serves no purpose. and you just made a typical DUB ride. why try to be something youre not? phat farm gear please thats as old as laying frame

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That truck is now worthless. Why not start with a regular Silverado? It would have been much less expensive to start with and the value of an SS would not have been destroyed.

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yes my sig needs to be changed.. will do that soon haha


Okay guys i got an idea... lets just leave feedback on the work finished... There's no use sayin crap about "oh you shouldnt have done this/that, now it's worthless... blah blah...

"honestly that truck is ruined. layin frame is horrible it serves no purpose. and you just made a typical DUB ride. why try to be something youre not? phat farm gear please thats as old as laying frame"


You guys act so immature sometimes it's pathetic. Typical Dub ride? How many layed SSS do you know of? Yeah thought so. It's called being unique. And why even try to diss on the clothing? I dont think he's here to model the gear. You gotta pay to play, and what he did here is totally unique. After all, who wants their truck to be identical to everyone elses? Some of you guys need to grow up and give credit where credit is due. :nono:


Good job on the work Texas SS

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i agree the rims arent really nice but imo if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all. i think its unique and is cool for him. it is definatley unique, who else has a 2wd arrival blue SS? its his truck and he likes it that what matters. I just dont see why everyone is so harsh. :chillpill:

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:withstupid: with all that custom fabrication and work this guy has put into his truck you have to at least give him props for puttin' in the work. different strokes for different folks. :thumbs:
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