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Had our ultrasound appointment today to find out the babies gender....




Its a boy!! All I ask it is that its healthy, but deep down I wanted to have a son. This means a lot to my family as well, b/c out of 8 kids in his family my dad was the only one to have boys... my brother and I are left to carry on the name... and it looks like I'll be doing just that.


For those wondering he is due the first week of November and his name will be Tanner Robert von Kleist... Tanner is a German first name, Robert will be his middle name, after his great grandfather on his mothers side.


I'm so excited... another little truck nut in the family... I'll have to teach him to detail wheels since he won't be able to reach the hood for awhile :jester:

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Congrats man! I'm in the same boat. My brother and I are the last ones left to carry on the name as well. He just had a daughter 2 years ago :banghead: haha. Honestly though, a healthy child is all I'd ask for as well. I used to talk about NEVER wanting to have a daughter... but after I've seen his daughter grow up little by little she's the most adorable thing on the planet. She definately made me rethink the whole no girl thing. :) Again, congrats!!!



Had our ultrasound appointment today to find out the babies gender....




Its a boy!! All I ask it is that its healthy, but deep down I wanted to have a son. This means a lot to my family as well, b/c out of 8 kids in his family my dad was the only one to have boys... my brother and I are left to carry on the name... and it looks like I'll be doing just that.


For those wondering he is due the first week of November and his name will be Tanner Robert von Kleist... Tanner is a German first name, Robert will be his middle name, after his great grandfather on his mothers side.


I'm so excited... another little truck nut in the family... I'll have to teach him to detail wheels since he won't be able to reach the hood for awhile :jester:

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Congrats man!  I'm in the same boat.  My brother and I are the last ones left to carry on the name as well.  He just had a daughter 2 years ago  :banghead:  haha.  Honestly though, a healthy child is all I'd ask for as well.  I used to talk about NEVER wanting to have a daughter... but after I've seen his daughter grow up little by little she's the most adorable thing on the planet.  She definately made me rethink the whole no girl thing.  :)  Again, congrats!!!



Had our ultrasound appointment today to find out the babies gender....




Its a boy!! All I ask it is that its healthy, but deep down I wanted to have a son. This means a lot to my family as well, b/c out of 8 kids in his family my dad was the only one to have boys... my brother and I are left to carry on the name... and it looks like I'll be doing just that.


For those wondering he is due the first week of November and his name will be Tanner Robert von Kleist... Tanner is a German first name, Robert will be his middle name, after his great grandfather on his mothers side.


I'm so excited... another little truck nut in the family... I'll have to teach him to detail wheels since he won't be able to reach the hood for awhile :jester:


The no daughter thing really doesn't apply until she gets into her teens and boys start to get interested. At least for me anyway. I'd love having a daughter until that time in her life. Then I'd just want to kill every boy she dates. :lol:

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